I am so thrilled this month’s magazine shares the accomplishments of the Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante campaign. It is important to celebrate the milestones the Diocese of Phoenix has reached because of the campaign: a high school built in the West Valley, Newman Centers opened or expanded across the diocese, elementary and high schools strengthened, affording students tuition who would have otherwise needed to leave their school of choice, parishes across the entire diocese implemented their dreams liturgically and pastorally, several Catholic nonprofits serving our communities most vulnerable neighbors supported and so much more! AND, this comes during incredibly turbulent times between a pandemic as well as economic and employment instability and yet…..our community stretched and gave in faith and still continues to give.

Several parishes that were not able to start their campaigns or fully launch them initially are now making progress. Thousands of donors continue to faithfully pay their pledges. This is such a gift that will continue to serve so many over the next few years. As we round the bend towards completion, this is a time for gratitude, a time to recognize and be joyous!

Thank you to Bishop Olmsted for the vision to boldly take on this huge, audacious goal. Thank you to the many Office of Mission Advancement staff and other colleagues in the Diocese of Phoenix who worked tirelessly despite significant challenges, a deep and resounding thank you to the Campaign Cabinet and Council Ambassadors for their leadership, wisdom, shared talent and generosity. Last but actually the largest debt of gratitude goes to YOU! If you are reading this magazine, it is because at some point since 2017, you have faithfully supported with your prayers and your financial gifts. There are no words to express the full impact you have had on so many! You have been a light in an often-dark world and have assisted in the creation of the strong foundation from which we indeed go forth together!

There is so much more to come as we continue the path of building a Church of disciples equipped to evangelize, share God’s deep, abiding love and mercy for all! I eagerly look forward to the day when the Lord returns in glory and peace, but until that time comes, we have work to do together!

We must continue to build from the cornerstone set. Here is a glimpse of the blueprint:

  • Completing the full build out of the Nazareth Seminary.
  • Expanding the Office of Mental Health Ministry which supports holiness through wholeness – mind, body and spirit.
  • Growing small faith communities where people can come as they are and be accepted in the warm embrace of a Church that wants them.
  • Focusing on young adults and families so that our Church might grow in creative and dynamic ways right now that are unimaginable.
  • And with every room in the house described above remembering that the house itself is the parish. The parish is where we live as a community, it’s where we are fed, it is where we go forth into the community strengthened to live BEYOND SUNDAY as light and love in an often bleak world.

What amazing and wonderous work that has been started in the Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante and what exciting work to come! I am so grateful to be journeying with you!