For years, the Poirier family has toured the country, visiting almost all 50 states, sharing music, stories, and testimony in hopes of encouraging renewed faith in the lives of those they meet.
“We want to invite the world to take a prayer break,” Michael said of their outreach, Holy Family Apostolate. It’s a prayer break that’s also available via the Internet at prayerbreaks.org, where listeners can hear the psalm from the Mass of the day set to music by Michael.
On board their motor home, the Poiriers will carry the Divine Mercy image as well as a relic image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, signed by Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, the archbishop of Mexico City.
Though they don’t present with their parents, the Poirier kids — Joseph, 16, John Paul, 12 and Therese, 6 — love to sing and are used to the troubadour lifestyle. They’re anxious to reconnect with friends they’ve made along the way at parishes across the country.
“They are excited about going back on the road,” Mary said. “We want to focus more on doing things together to help families pray.”
The family visits parishes, schools and homes where they share songs, stories and personal testimony. Michael also leads songs of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. The Poiriers often revisit the same areas around the country and Mary said they are encouraged by the feedback they receive.
“What is really cool is that when we make our rounds, people tell us what has happened since we saw them last,” Mary said. Oftentimes, it’s how God put someone’s marriage back together or answered a prayer.
“God gives us the stories to encourage us,” Mary said. It’s moments like those that keep the Poiriers focused on serving God and relying on Him completely.
Mary, who said she comes from a business-oriented background that fostered a go-getter approach to life, said living month-to-month and embracing utter dependence on God has been a radical change for her.
“It’s really been a huge transformation for me,” Mary said. “Sometimes it’s so hard but God shows us every month that He provides — it’s amazing how He comes through.”
The Poirier’s recently decided they would no longer sell CDs after Masses, receive free-will offerings at events, or require a stipend. Instead, they pray God will inspire subscribers to their website, PrayerBreaks.org. For $9.95 a month, subscribers support their work and gain multiple privileges, among them, access to a rapidly growing archive of at least 25 new psalms set to music every month.
Subscribers will automatically have their seat reserved at a May 21 farewell concert that will feature Michael’s meditative, soulful music as well as that of well-known Catholic musician Danielle Rose. Tickets for the concert will also be available for purchase at the door.
Money raised at the May 21 concert at Xavier College Preparatory will support the work of Holy Family Apostolate, but some of the funds will be set aside to help children in need.
“A portion of the proceeds will go to China Little Flower Orphanage,” Michael said. “It’s a ministry that has a U.S. anchor but they provide care for orphans in China.”
The Monday evening event will also be broadcast live online for those who wish to donate to their outreach but may not be able to attend in person.