The Romney and Ryan families wave to the crowd after Republican U.S. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, center, introduced Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., as his vice-presidential running mate during a campaign event in Norfolk, Va., Aug. 11. Ryan, a Catholic, chairs the House Budget Committee. (CNS photo/Jason Reed, Reuters)

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will be the guest on EWTN's “The World Over” at 5 p.m. tonight, Aug. 23.


Raymond Arroyo will be interviewing Romney, who recently announced Congressman Paul Ryan, a Catholic, would be his vice presidential running mate. EWTN is on Cox Cable Channel 113. Past shows are available on the EWTN website.

Earlier this month, Catholic News Service reported that neither President Barack Obama nor Romney has established a consistent lead among Catholic voters, though a majority of Catholics share the U.S. bishops' concern for religious liberty. Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press conducted the survey June 28-July 9, releasing the results Aug. 1. At that time, 51 percent of Catholic registered voters said they support or favor Obama, while 42 percent said they support or favor Romney. Among all registered voters at that time, 50 percent favored Obama, while 43 percent favored Romney. The phone survey included 2,973 adults, including 619 Catholics.

EWTN Global Catholic Network airs family and religious programming from a Catholic point of view in English and Spanish. Providing more than 80 percent original programming, EWTN offers inspiring talk shows, entertaining children's animation, exclusive teaching series, live coverage of Church events, and thought-provoking documentaries.
