Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted blesses the new recording studio for “The Bishop’s Hour” Nov. 6 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center.
“The Bishop’s Hour,” a weekly Catholic radio program that airs on 1310 AM Immaculate Heart Radio, is now hitting the airwaves courtesy of a new studio at the Diocesan Pastoral Center.
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted blessed the new radio studio Nov. 6 after celebrating Mass with friends and supporters of Catholic radio.
“We must be ready to spread the word that will wound in order to transform,” the bishop said in his homily, explaining the often difficult but life-giving words of the Gospel.
“The Word of God cuts through whatever is untrue. Nothing can resist the Holy Word,” he said. “Even the hardest heart can be transformed by the Word of God.”
Evangelization, he said, can be seen in light of the cross.
“What flowed from His wounded side was not condemnation, but forgiveness,” he said, “not death, but life. In order to bear fruit, we must let the Lord prune us, cut away what needs to be removed.”
The new radio studio furthers the reach of Phoenix Diocese, the bishop said.
“Catholic radio allows us to go places and reach persons we cannot reach in any other way,” he said. The bishop hopes to “bring about humble repentance” and bring people back to God through the program.
The move facilitates local Catholic radio programming and will enable more diverse, more frequent programming in the future. “The Bishop’s Hour” airs Mondays at 11 a.m., with an encore broadcast Thursdays at 9 p.m.
“It’s expanded the possibilities,” according to show host and veteran broadcaster Michael Dixon, who holds a doctorate in pastoral theology. “This is just the beginning. The possibilities are endless.”
Producer Jennifer Ellis hopes the Diocese of Phoenix will eventually begin producing local original programming five times a week.
“We want our local programming to help Catholics grow in their faith,” she said.
“The Bishop’s Hour” celebrated its second anniversary in September. The show has come a long way, Ellis said.
“I learn something new about our Catholic faith with every single show,” she said. “It allows me to go deeper into my faith and I hope it’s allowing our listeners to do the same.”
The studio was made possible thanks to a $25,000 grant from the stewardship committee at Our Lady of Joy Parish in Carefree.
The Bishop’s Hour
“The Bishop’s Hour” is a one-hour radio program hosted by Michael Dixon, D.Min., and presented by the Diocese of Phoenix. It presents news and features about faith and spiritual life. It airs Mondays at 11 a.m. on 1310 AM Immaculate Heart Radio, with an encore broadcast Thursdays at 9 p.m.