The annual Red Mass, which marks the start of the legislative session, is tonight at St. Mary’s Basilica in downtown Phoenix. Expect to find lawyers, elected officials, canonists and judges filling the pews. Also expect to find members of the St. Thomas More Society, which sponsors the liturgy, and any other Catholics interested in praying with and for local lawyers and elected officials.
A full story promoting the Red Mass was posted last week.
A story from the newswire, Catholics still largest Congress denomination; 10 percent Jesuit grads was posted earlier in the month and seemed to be well-read online. We ran a photo with it. To the right, find the optional graphic that also illustrated that story.
The majority of members in the U.S. House and Senate adhere to faith groups in the Protestant tradition. Those who are Catholic, however, make up the largest group from any single denomination.
The Red Mass starts at 5:30 p.m.