Mass of Anointing — 11 a.m. April 20 at st. Benedict in Ahwatukee (map). Followed by lunch. Call (480) 961-1610 to RSVP to ensure enough food.
Unity Mass — 1 p.m. April 21 at St. Pisus X Church (address/info). Hosted by diocesan Office of Black Catholic Ministry.
Prepare for Mass —anytime online. Join Mark Hart, Life Teen’s executive vice president, for a quick reflection on this Sunday’s Gospel reading.
Adult Bingo — 7 p.m. April 19 at Holy Spirit in Tempe (map). Doors open at 6 p.m. Cost: $9 for 14 games including regular, special and double action. Info.
Perdido: A Pirate Parable — 7 p.m. April 19-20 and 2 p.m. April 21 at Sacred Heart School in Prescott (map). Archived promotional video (its 2010 premiere, so ignore the dates/times in video)
Ticket info. Additional performances next weekend.
A Night of Dr. Seuss — 7 p.m. April 19-20 at Bourgade Catholic High School (map). Dr. Seuss meets Shakespeare. Flyer and ticket info. Additional performances next weekend.