Adoration for vocations — 6:30 p.m. May 31 at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral (map). Join Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and local young adults for a holy hour of eucharistic adoration for and with two men who will be ordained to the priesthood the following morning.
Ordination to the priesthood — 10 a.m.June 1 at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral (map). Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted will ordain transitional deacons Chris Axline and Kurt Perera to the priesthood.
First Mass — 12:30 p.m. June 2 at Corpus Christi Parish in Ahwatukee (map) with Fr. Kurt Perera. Reception following at Grace Inn, 10831 S. 51st Street.
5:30 p.m. June 2 at St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Chandler (map) with Fr. Chris Axline.
Worldwide adoration with Pope Francis — 8-9 a.m. June 2 in any eucharistic adoration chapel. Pope Francis and Vatican officials are trying to verify that each inhabited time zone would have an organized hour of eucharisitc adoration coinciding with 5-6 p.m. Rome time. The time listed above is for Catholics in Arizona and other Pacific Time zones. Related story.
Bishop Olmsted will celebrate the regular 7 a.m. liturgy at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral then, to allow room for additional adorers, lead a eucharistic procession to Smith Hall for an hour of adoration. (map)
50th anniversary — 11 a.m. June 2 at St. Frances Cabrini in Camp Verde (map). Celebrate the parish’s rich history with a special anniversary Mass. A ticketed lunch follows at Cliff Castle Casino.
Fit Camp Fundraiser — 8 a.m. June 2 at Scott’s Training Systems (map). All proceeds support a pre-kindergarten family at St. John Bosco, whose daughter was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia in April. This all-age event will feature and obstacle course and games for ages 8 and younger plus youth athletic trainers and an adult boot camp. Bagels, fruit and coffee provided. Event flyer. More about beneficiary at Karing for Karley.
Fro-Yo benefit — through June 2. Saturday is the final day of the week-long frozen yogurt benefit at YOASIS in Ahwatukee, 1304 E. Chandler Blvd (map). Just mention St. John Bosco Catholic school and a portion of your bill supports the school.