Like so many things, getting the pro-life message out is a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
“This is going to be a game-changer,” said Camille Cassin of Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center of a new mobile ultrasound unit. “We’re going to where the women are.”
Cassin stopped by the Diocesan Pastoral Center offices with her center’s new mobile ultrasound unit. Pro-life leaders turned out to take the tour of the Image Clear Ultrasound Mobile vehicle, which is built from the “ground up” to be a medical outreach. Cassin called Ohio-based ICU Mobile a “pioneer and leader in mobile care.”
The Knights of Columbus partnered with Turning Point to raise half of the funds.
“This is saving lives more effectively,” said Knight of Columbus Greg Anthony, who lives in San Diego. He and brother Knight Steve Beurle are co-founders of the Light and Life 70×7 Ultrasound Initiative. They hope to bring seven such ultrasound units to 70 cities in the United States.
“This mobile unit is the answer to the question at the very essence of human existence,” Anthony said. “It’s taking us back to square one, which is the truth. This will help restore the schema of what it means to be human.”