They’re spreading God’s love by carrying out two of the corporal works of mercy. What’s more, their actions are in lieu of a time when most people rightly draw attention to themselves: their birthday.
Two sixth-graders at Annunciation Catholic School in Cave Creek are the latest duo to request that guests — the entire sixth grade — direct birthday party gifts to others. The 12-year-olds obliged. They brought in 163 pounds of food and $240 for the Foothills Food Bank. The girls delivered the gifts Sept. 13.
Last spring, Lauren Allison and Shea Sciarappo, students at St. John Bosco School in Ahwatukee, combined their birthday celebration too. They requested only cash, which the girls in turn gave to Allison’s longtime family friend. That family’s 17-year-old son was diagnosed with cancer seven months prior and had a malignant cancer mass removed from his stomach. The effort raised $1,700. Video interview from FOX10.