Upcoming pro-life events
Several pro-life events will mark the 41st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States. These events are open to the public. Info: Mike Phelan at mcphelan@diocesephoenix.org or (602) 354-2355.
Jan. 18
Pro-life Leadership Conference: 9:30 a.m., Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral, 6351 N. 27th Ave., Phoenix, with Rita Dillard from American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood project. Space is limited. More: azcatholicsunitedforlife@gmail.com.
Jan. 19
Mass for the Unborn Child: 9 a.m., Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral. Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted will celebrate a Mass for the Unborn Child using the newly published “Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb,” crafted to support parents awaiting the birth of their child.
Sanctity of Life Sunday Prayer Rally: 2 p.m. at Wesley Bolin Plaza, 1700 W. Washington St., Phoenix. Hosted by Arizona Right to Life, featuring Bishop Olmsted and leaders from around the Valley.
Jan. 24
Youth and Young Adult Pro-life Rally: 7 p.m. at All Saints Catholic Newman Center, 230 E. University Dr., Tempe, with Stephanie Gray, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, music, and a eucharistic procession up “A” Mountain.
Protesting Planned Parenthood curriculum proposal
TEMPE — Catholics from around the Valley turned out en masse at a district committee meeting of the Tempe Unified High School District Jan. 7 regarding sex education.
That’s because the committee allowed Vicki Hadd-Wissler, a Planned Parenthood representative, to speak about three prospective curricula.
Some 165 individuals crowded into the meeting room while another 50 held protest signs and prayed outside.
Christine Accurso, executive director of 1st Way Pregnancy Center, spoke to the committee about her concerns regarding the curricula.
According to an Arizona law initiated by the Arizona Catholic Conference in 2012, sex education programs in public and charter schools must give preference to childbirth and adoption over elective abortion.
Ron Johnson, executive director of the ACC, said based on what he saw of the proposed curricula, none “appeared to come close to complying with Arizona law.”
“They have pages and pages about how women die in childbirth… they say abstinence is best, but they encourage sexual experimentation…it encourages promiscuity,” Accurso told The Catholic Sun.
Specialty courses
The Kino Catechetical Institute is offering a two-part specialization course this spring with daylong classes. Students will learn key methodological principles of evangelization and catechesis, understand Church principles behind them and apply them to their current parish or apostolate setting.
Separate specialty courses in children’s catechesis, youth evangelization, young adult outreach and adult formation meet Feb. 1 and March 1. Courses in pastoral care, respect life and marriage meet March 15 and April 5. Register: (602) 354-2300 or www.kinoinstitute.org.