- Catholic Apologetics Summer Boot Camp — Hosted by Vera Bella and featuring Melanie Pritchard, Fr. John Parks, Tom Perna and Catholic Answers’ Trent Horn[quote_box_center]For: incoming ninth-graders to graduated seniors
When: June 16-17
Where: All Saints Catholic Newman Center in Tempe (map)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - School of the new Evangelization — a time for college students to cap the summer before returning to campus[quote_box_center]For: college age students, largely those associated with a St. Paul’s Outreach Chapter, such as students at ASU and Scottsdale and Mesa community colleges
When: Aug. 2-9
Where: University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn.
Info and Registration[/quote_box_center] - Multi-Parish Summer Camp — Overnight camp filled with games, music, archery, swimming and food. Special guest includes Vince Nims, aka, the Roamin’ Catholic.[quote_box_center]For: incoming seventh-12-graders
When: July 24-27
Where: YMCA Sky-Y Camp in Prescott (map)
Info/Registration or email Jeremy, jstafford@stpaulsphoenix.org[/quote_box_center] - Junior high leadership camp — Based on Acts 2:42 “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” Hosted by a parish youth ministry and runs concurrent with Vacation Bible School aimed at younger Catholics.[quote_box_center]For: junior high students
When: June 16-20
Where: St. John Bosco School (map)
Info/Registration or email David, drees@stbenedict.org[/quote_box_center] - Challenge Summer Camp — Hosted by Challenge, a Catholic girls club led by lay consecrated women who form girls in the mind and heart to be better leaders in their faith. Includes lively talks, workshops, small group discussion, prayer, activities and games, social outing[quote_box_center]For: Girls entering grades 5-8
When: June 15-20
Where: Mount Claret Retreat Center (map)
Info/Register: Sol Maroon (480) 236-8953 or solmaroon@yahoo.com[/quote_box_center] - Girls Have IT Camp — Hosted by Xavier students, four of whom received a grant from the National Center for Women and Information Technology’s AspireIT program to host the second annual camp. Students will learn about computing and technology through hands-on activities and “near-peer” mentoring.[quote_box_center]For: middle school girls
When: 1:30-3:30 p.m. June 2-5 (session 1)
1:30-3:30 p.m. June 9-12 (session 2)
Where: Xavier College Preparatory (map)
Info/Register: (602) 277-3772[/quote_box_center] - Music Theatre Camp — Singing, dancing, and acting in small and large ensemble groups. Encourages the gifts God has given each child in the performing arts, and teaches them how to share their gifts with others in a way that brings honor and glory to God. Broadway Revue performance for the family ends the session.[quote_box_center]For: gr. 2-9
When: June 9-20 or July 7-18 with mandatory audition/skills assessment date
Where: Seton Catholic Preparatory High School in Chandler (map)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - Academic/Summer camp — Dubbed “Summer Magis Camp” and broken down by incoming grade level. Students can select up to four periods of courses over the three-week session.[quote_box_center]For: incoming preschoolers to incoming fifth-graders
For: incoming sixth-eighth-graders (limited enrichment. Afternoons only to accommodate Brophy schedule)
When: June 9-27. Select one week or all three. Some courses run all three weeks as one session
Where: St. Francis Xavier (map)
Info and Registration. Look through course catalog[/quote_box_center] - Academic Enrichment — Select from language arts, foreign language, science, fine arts, mathematics, technology and physical fitness.[quote_box_center]For: boys and girls entering grades 5-8
When: June 9-July 3
Where: Brophy College Preparatory (map)
Info and Registration Email Mr. Tony Oldani, toldani@brophyprep.org[/quote_box_center] - Science camp — Hands-on experiments from beakers to bubbles for younger students and a chance to learn to make and sell own soap for older students.[quote_box_center]For: gr. 2-4 “From Beakers to bubbles” and gr. 5-8 “Keeping it Clean”
When: June 23-27
Where: St. John Bosco School in Ahwatukee (map)
Info/register[/quote_box_center] - Kindergarten prep/Lego camp/Math camp — build self-esteem and develop confidence about starting school; use LEGO bricks to design, create and build models of cars, trucks and things that go; or sharpen your math skills.[quote_box_center]For: incoming kindergarteners; gr. 1-7; gr. 1-8
When: various week-long sessions in late July and early August
Where: St. John Bosco School in Ahwatukee (map)
Info/register[/quote_box_center] - Achievement Learning Summer — Themed two-week sessions offer half and full-day options with small group reading and math instruction in the morning followed up with arts, games and team sports in the afternoon.[quote_box_center]For: elementary boys and girls (grade/age range not given)
When: two-week sessions June 9-Aug. 15
Where: Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Scottsdale (map)
Info/Registration email aackroyd@achievementlearn.com or call (480) 247-2070[/quote_box_center] - Academic Enrichment — Activities include a Bible adventure, arts/crafts, Spanish, iPad training, math, science, structured physical education, creative writing and weekly field trips.[quote_box_center]For: boys and girls entering grades k-5
When: weekly June 9-Aug. 8
Where: Blessed (Saint by then) John Paul XXIII School in Scottsdale (map)
Info or email summercamp@popejohnxxiii.org[/quote_box_center]
- Wilderness Escape: Where God Guides and Provides — Caravan through the desert with Moses and the Israelites[quote_box_center]For: children entering kindergarten through fifth grade
When: June 8-13 (morning and afternoon sessions)
Where: St. Anne Parish in Gilbert (map)
Info[/quote_box_center] - Wilderness Adventure through the Sacraments — the program is designed to help the sacraments come alive.[quote_box_center]For: Ages 5-11
When: June 16-20
Where: St. Daniel the Prophet Parish in Scottsdale (map)
Info (scroll to p.5) or Sr. Leonor (480) 945-8437 ext. 210[/quote_box_center] - From Manna to Miracles — A totally Catholic adventure exploring the mystery of the Eucharist.[quote_box_center]For: incoming first-sixth-graders
When: June 23-27
Where: St. Joan of Arc Parish (map)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - Vatican Express — A Swiss Guard will help passengers uncover the Vatican’s treasures: St. Peter’s Square, St. Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel. Also meet and greet the pope and learn about St. Peter and St. Jerome[quote_box_center]For: Students entering grades pre-K-5
When: 9 a.m.-noon June 9-13
Where: St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Chandler (map)
Info and Register[/quote_box_center] - Parade Around the Our Father — Games, crafts and snacks designed to help children better understand the meaning behind the prayer Jesus taught us.[quote_box_center]For: pre-K (age 4)-fifth grade
When: June 16-20
Where: St. John Bosco School in Ahwatukee (map)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - Weird Animals — One-of-a-kind Bible adventures, imagination station, sing and play stampede, KidVid Cinema and Critter Café[quote_box_center]For: no age/grade specified
When: June 16-19
Where: St. Clare of Assisi in Surprise (map)[/quote_box_center]
- Mike Sweeney’s Catholic Baseball Camp — Roughly 10 families from the Phoenix Diocese area have participated in the last two years.[quote_box_center]For: Boys ages 8-16
When: June 30-July 2 (San Diego)
July 22-24 (Seattle)
July 28-30 (Kansas City)
Where: three cities nationwide (see dates for locations)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - Sports enrichment — Largely afternoon/evening sessions offer introductions to volleyball, basketball, soccer and tennis for boys and girls plus baseball and football.[quote_box_center]For: grades K-8 depending on sport
When: four-day and five-day sessions beginning in May and going through August. The only morning sessions offered are girls volleyball (gr. 6-8) and baseball skills camp (ages 7-10 and 10-15)
Where: Notre Dame Preparatory Catholic High School in Scottsdale (map)
Info/Register or jzander@notredamepreparatory.org[/quote_box_center] - Athletic classes — Select from football, basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse or wrestling.[quote_box_center]For: Boys entering grades 5-8 with sessions divided for grades 5/6 and grades 7/8.
For: Girls entering grades 5-6 (basketball only). Session is co-ed.
For: Girls entering grades 5-8 (soccer). Session is co-ed.
When: June 9-20 (session 1)
June 23-July 3 (session 2)
Where: Brophy College Preparatory (map)
Info and Registration. Email Mr. Tony Oldani, toldani@brophyprep.org[/quote_box_center] - Tennis, golf [and archery] — Designed to enhance students’ physical development of recreational outdoor activity. Sportsmanship and activity etiquette will be emphasized.[quote_box_center]For: 1st-8th-graders [archery is 6th-8th-graders]
When: June 16-19 [and June 23-26]
Where: St. John Bosco School in Ahwatukee (map)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - Sports — Week-long sessions include swim/dive also girls volleyball, soccer and softball plus boys basketball and a five-week football camp[quote_box_center]For: gr. k-12 depending on sport (broken up by grade range)
When: various weeks in June with swim/dive offered Aug. 4-7 only and football extending into July
Where: Seton Catholic Preparatory High School in Chandler (map)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - Boys Basketball — Develop new skills and improve fundamentals. Strengthen individual and team skills to build a strong playing foundation[quote_box_center]For: boys entering fourth-ninth grades. Morning or afternoon session available. Includes camp T-Shirt and basketball for each session attended.
When: 9:30 a.m.-noon June 9-12 (session 1)
2:30-5 p.m. June 16-19 (session 2)
Where: Bourgade Catholic High School (map)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - Girls Basketball — Fundamental instruction with games and competitions thrown in that are both fun and motivational. Camp includes instruction from current and former Sentinels and the Sentinel coaching staff.[quote_box_center]For: gr. 6-9
When: June 9-13 mornings (gr. 6-9) afternoons (gr. 3-5)
Where: Seton Catholic Preparatory High School in Chandler (map)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - Sports for girls — Select from badminton, basketball, softball, tennis and volleyball[quote_box_center]For: girls entering fifth-ninth grades.
When: various times June 9-12, June 16-19 or June 23-28
Softball is only four days each week
Where: Xavier College Preparatory (map)
Info/Register[/quote_box_center] - Girls Basketball — Develop new skills and improve fundamentals. Strengthen individual and team skills to build a strong playing foundation[quote_box_center]For: Girls entering sixth-ninth grades
When: noon-3 p.m. June 23-26
Where: Bourgade Catholic High School (map)
Don’t forget St. Joseph’s Youth Camp, an overnight experience, for ages 8-15.