Catholics around the country as well as in the Diocese of Phoenix will attend holy hours of reparation prior to a Sept. 21 black mass in Oklahoma City.
The Dalhma of Angra Mainyu, a satanic group, returned the consecrated host they planned to desecrate during the ritual at the civic center after the Archdiocese of Oklahoma filed a lawsuit.
A black mass is a sacrilegious ceremony that involves invoking Satan and the desecration of a eucharistic host stolen from a Catholic church. The host is then used in a profane, sexual ritual.
Adam Daniels, whose group the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu organized the upcoming black mass, refused comment to The Catholic Sun, but news reports from other media outlets state that unconsecrated hosts will be spit upon during the Sept. 21 event. So far, 88 people plan to attend.
Just days before the black mass, the satanic group’s website included a photo of the inside of Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral and its rector, Fr. John Lankeit. A well-attended holy hour of reparation was held at Ss. Simon and Jude July 25. The Angra Mainyu website asked followers to “direct their energy” toward the cathedral during the holy hour.
In Oklahoma City, Archbishop Paul Coakley urged Catholics to counteract the black mass with prayer and penance. He asked that the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel be included at the conclusion of every Mass through the feast of the Archangels on Sept. 29. He also asked that every parish in the archdiocese hold a holy hour prior to Sept. 21.
A rosary rally will be held on the grounds of the Oklahoma City civic center Sept. 21 and Archbishop Coakley invited “all Catholics, Christians and people of good will” to join him for a holy hour, eucharistic procession and Benediction on Sept. 21, the day of the black mass.
Catholics throughout the Diocese of Phoenix have been invited to attend two holy hours of reparation prior to the black mass.
The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration will have a 4 p.m. holy hour and Benediction Sept. 20 at their Our Lady of Solitude chapel in Tonopah, west of Phoenix.
“This Holy Hour at Our Lady of Solitude Chapel will be offered in reparation, in petition to halt all desecration to Our Eucharistic Lord, and imploring Our Lord’s protection upon all from the forces of evil,” an announcement from the sisters stated.
Fr. Thaddeus Maguire, pastor of St. Daniel the Prophet Parish, will hold also hold a holy hour Sept. 20 immediately following the 5 p.m. Mass.
“We are going to be praying for greater respect for the Blessed Sacrament around the world and praying for an end to additional blasphemies and sacrilegious acts against the Blessed Sacrament in the future,” Fr. Maguire said.
An announcement on the parish’s website asked Catholics to “come and pray for mercy and pardon for this grave sacrilege against our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and offense to the Catholic Church.”
Fr. John Lankeit, who saw the picture of himself posted on the satanic organization’s website, said he was not unnerved about being singled out by the group.
“That they would put it on their website just gives greater testament to the power of our prayer around our eucharistic Lord,” Fr. Lankeit said. “It’s disturbing that there are people who dedicate and commit themselves to darkness, but it should never be a cause of fear for us so long as we’re staying close to Christ, especially in the sacraments.”
To sign a petition to oppose the black mass: https://bit.ly/1nBissp