The feast of Christ the King, celebrated at churches worldwide over the weekend, marked the end of the liturgical year. It’s been a rather eventful year in our local diocese and in the life of the global Church.
The sacraments and the liturgy, as always, remain the focus.
Check out how parishioners at San Francisco de Asís in Flagstaff feel about their favorite moments during any given Mass. Several of them reflected in a recent Facebook post:
- So many things but I love it when Father Pat says it’s 10 o’clock and you are loved (it’s the pastor’s signature phrase)
- Feeling connected to the whole of Catholicism from Jesus, to Peter, to Mary and to all that hold this tradition in their Hearts, now and throughout time. That covers a bit!
- The moment right after Communion as His body and blood are flowing through my veins, praising and thanking Him and giving Him all of my intentions. Epic moments in my life, each and every time.
- the Sign of Peace. Not just giving my husband and six year old son and the people around me, but watching our son joyfully smile and spread love to everyone around him. He gets so excited to shake hands with every new person he can- or people he already knows. He just loves to love!
my daughter loves to give our donation
For me, I love it when the Eucharistic prayer has ended and the extraordinary ministers of holy Communion gather on the altar….especially when they total 12. It was the moment in Mass I couldn’t wait to share with a particular Catholic upon his release from jail. If there isn’t quite a dozen extraordinary ministers, I sometimes add the deacon to balance out my count. That keeps my mind on the Last Supper.
Then I note how many are in the pews and think about the countless people worldwide gathered around the Eucharist that same morning. I marvel at the job Jesus’ disciples have done century after century and the challenge we have before us to make disciples of all nations.
Do you have a favorite part of the liturgy?
Were you a part of or witness to any special liturgies this year?