Pope Francis arrives in Washington D.C. in two weeks. Are you ready?
Stay connected with #popeinus
Washington, D.C.: Sept. 22-24
- #PopeInDC
- @WashArchdiocese plus on Facebook and Instagram
- dedicated website
New York: Sept. 24-25
- #PopeFrancisNYC
- @NY_Arch plus on Facebook and Instagram
- dedicated website
Philadelphia: Sept. 26-27
- #PopeinPhilly
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- Pontifical Council for the Family in English and Spanish
- Papal itinerary
- Catholic Sun reporters Joyce Coronel and Gina Keating, whose content will also crossover into @PhoenixDiocese and @thecatholicsun (with likely bonus content from our #PhxSems)
As part of Pope Francis’ first trip to the U.S., enjoy some related videos.
The first is a staff pick in the Archdiocese of Washington’s YouServe video contest. Three winners will receive tickets to a papal Mass stateside. This woman challenged herself to complete all seven acts of mercy within one month:
This WashArchdiocese video creates an interrogation scene spoof: