Dear Becky,
I’m writing to share something that will astonish you. You won’t believe me now — much you will have to dissect, argue with, and hear again. You’ll bark at me, roll your eyes, snicker. You’ll probably storm off.
But I’m telling you, there’s a thin line that separates us. We both want what’s best for women. That’s why I come to you in love to tell you your pro-choice position is … wrong.
Your stance isn’t tolerant or pro-woman. It’s indefensible.
Please don’t cap your ears. If you do, you’re no better than those who turned a blind eye to slavery and Nazi genocide. Being pro-choice is not just personal opinion — it’s a surrender to the heinous side of a moral absolute that jeopardizes your soul.
No, I’m not some religious zealot brainwashed by nonsensical mythology. I’m not imposing my views. I’m a voice never represented in secular media.
Yes, I’ve researched, and science backs my argument. You won’t believe the lies you’ve been fed or how closely you’ll be touched by abortion. You’ll be awestruck by the far-reaching impact the conception of a single new life has on the universe.
So, please, stop talking over me and parroting the soundbites uttered by politicians and celebrities; stop clinging to your political platform, and just listen. You’re a truth seeker, and you’ll find there are compelling reasons to consider the pro-life position.
Can I begin?
I know it annoys you when people say abortion is murder. But frankly, it’s the truth. Life begins at conception when sperm and egg meet to form a completely unique, human life. Given proper nutrition, the proper environment, and proper time, that life will thrive and the “pregnancy” will end on its own in the form of childbirth. To terminate purposely doesn’t just end a condition, it kills a life.
And killing innocent human life is murder.
Sure your body’s involved, but it’s not just your body. The child isn’t an assailant or harmful pathogen. The womb is the natural home of every human for the first nine months of existence. Can we issue a death sentence simply because a person is weak, vulnerable, and dependent? Aren’t those reasons to, in fact protect someone even more? Child sacrifice is abhorrent in modern-day culture, and children are even taken away from parents who put their own wants ahead of their children’s needs.
So why does this norm not translate to protection of children in utero?
Saying it’s just an embryo or fetus doesn’t disqualify it from the human community any more than saying it’s just a toddler or teenager does. Fetus means “little one,” and it’s simply a phase of development. We’re all at a phase of development. So suggesting that abortion merely removes a clump of cells isn’t just scientifically inaccurate, it justifies someone else eliminating you for the same reason.
You despise the pressure on women to be a certain look or size. But you’re placing that same expectation on a fetus to be something he or she isn’t yet. If you support equality, then how can you conclude the unborn aren’t equal?
The child isn’t an assailant or harmful pathogen. The womb is the natural home of every human for the first nine months of existence. Can we issue a death sentence simply because a person is weak, vulnerable, and dependent? Aren’t those reasons to, in fact protect someone even more?
Oh, it’s just not a person by law? Should the state define the value of personhood?
That’s what Hitler did.
And the Dred Scott decision did.
And the Rwandan government did.
That’s what Roe v. Wade did.
You’ll be shocked to learn the Supreme Court legalized abortion through all nine months; that the rhetoric touted by pro-choice activists echoes the verbiage used in segregation laws and Nazi propaganda.
Can you see the hypocrisy of those who proclaim protection for children from sexual predators and gun violence in one breath while ardently defending a woman’s right to kill her child in the next? How can something worth nothing become priceless because it travels six inches down the birth canal?
Women by law have free license to kill someone they would otherwise protect with prenatal vitamins, nutrition, and regular doctor appointments if they “wanted” that child.
Don’t you find that curious?
You will.
You’ll learn the first feminists condemned the idea that women would emerge from male domination only to turn on their own offspring. And you’ll realize that modern-day “feminists” think “reproductive rights” are about anything but actual reproduction or real human rights.
You’ll start to see that abortion truly is what American suffragist Alice Paul called the “ultimate exploitation of women.”
Rape you ask? Despicable crime yes, but no more the fault of the child conceived through the brutal act than that of the woman. Besides, you’ll learn that less than 1 percent of abortions are performed on rape victims — the majority of women just use it as back-up birth control.
And this makes you uncomfortable as you question why women don’t just exercise self-control and demand more respect from men.
That’s when the light will go on.
You’ll conclude that abortion actually gives men the right to disregard the dignity of women; that it is neither female empowerment nor liberation, but a Trojan Horse in the women’s movement that has spawned more sexual abuse and feminine degradation.
You’ll notice that abortion proponents use insults and profanity to attack defenders of life; that the true intolerance comes not from the right but from the left, which thinks women are insecure bullies whose strength and independence derives from the selfish option to discard the vulnerable.
You’ll be ashamed you once supported this evil.
You’ll get angry that you know people who still espouse this mentality. And you’ll doubt their so-called empathy for others. After all, if you don’t value life at all stages you can’t be trusted to value life at any stage.
You’ll fume over their hypocrisy and want nothing to do with them. You’ll condemn their hardened hearts and arrogance, and want to abandon them as lost causes.
And then you will remember… you were once them.