A Brophy freshman spent nine months in another country as a pre-teen to get proper medical care. He’s now healthy and grateful.
Diego Morris is also keenly aware how crucial the proximity of medical treatment and family support are in the healing process. That’s why he agreed to serve as the honorary chairman of the Right to Try initiative in Arizona at age 13. That’s also why he will testify during a “Connecting Patients to New and Potential Life Saving Treatments” hearing before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 25.
The hearing will focus on identifying possible barriers preventing patients from accessing new and potentially lifesaving therapies, often in the face of terminal or debilitating conditions. Morris will offer Congress suggestions about the steps members can take to reduce impediments and help connect willing patients and potential medical innovations.
Morris was 11 when he faced osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer. England and many other countries have approved drugs for treatment. The U.S. is not one of them.
“I am blessed to have been able to move so far away; most kids don’t have that option,” Morris said. “I believe Americans should have access to medicine and treatments in the U.S. and have the support of their friends and family that you need when you are sick. We should have the right to try to save the lives of our loved ones.”
The hearing begins at 10 a.m.