When the 9-1-1 call went out that day from Family Planning Associates in Phoenix, paramedics rushed to the scene.

According to Phoenix police, someone at the clinic “thought they saw movement” after an abortion took place Feb. 26.
Yet Phoenix police spokesman Sgt. Trent Crump assured me that “this was the second day of an elective procedure and so there were never heart tones.” Why then, the call to 9-1-1? Why would Phoenix Fire transport a dead body to a nearby hospital? Crump said he wasn’t certain why that decision was made. Phoenix Fire Captain Aaron Ernsberger wasn’t sure either and referred me back to the police. The official report on the incident might not be available for six to eight weeks.
All of which makes me wonder what really happened that day. Sadly, we may never know the answer. According to Crump, an autopsy was not performed. An investigator at the medical examiner’s office reviewed the medical records, interviewed the doctor involved and the authorities concluded no crime was committed.
Isn’t that a bit like asking the wolf if he ate the sheep? But never mind, because killing babies right up until the first day of the 24th week is legal here in Arizona. And, the doctor involved reported that the baby was 21 weeks — meaning perfectly legal to kill.
A local nurse who works with premature babies weighed in on the matter. The story, the nurse said, doesn’t add up. Not only that, it points to a bizarre dichotomy.
RELATED: Abortion facility incident sparks prayer vigil, rouses suspicions
“Do you know how many 23-weekers I have?” the nurse asked me. “You can go to an abortion clinic and get an abortion [at 23 weeks] or you can go and have a multi-million dollar baby. Not only are we saving them, we’re doing a really good job saving them.”
It’s true: women can have an abortion as late as 23 weeks, six days — in other words, just hours before the magical cut-off of 24 weeks — at clinics like FPA. According to FPA’s website, you pay your $2,400 and they take care of the rest. You know, like disposing of the “tissue.”
Crump was unsure how to refer to the person involved in the Feb. 26 incident. Not wanting to offend anybody, he wavered between “tissue,” “fetal tissue,” or “infant.” It’s not his fault. This is what we’ve come to in our world where we decide who lives and who dies based on arbitrary numbers rather than common sense.
I asked Fr. Joseph Terra, FSSP, former pastor of Mater Misericordiae, for his reaction. You may recall Fr. Terra’s name. He was viciously attacked during a break-in at the church in 2014 and his brother priest, Fr. Kenneth Walker, was killed. The two men frequently prayed outside FPA.
“This case only shows the ridiculous hair-splitting that must be resorted to when we deny the intrinsic dignity of human life,” Fr. Terra said. “The matter of life or death is determined, in this instance, by a few seconds of time or a few inches of distance.”
Lila Rose, whose organization Live Action filmed an undercover video at FPA in 2012, said she suspects the baby was born alive during a botched abortion Feb. 26.
“We caught one of FPA’s abortion counselors admitting that ‘sometimes’ the babies come out alive, and reassuring the pregnant undercover investigator that the facility would break the law and not help a baby born alive after a botched abortion.
“For years, FPA has been dismembering innocent children, injecting poison into the chests of tiny babies so that they slowly die in their mothers’ wombs, and admitting they would leave born babies to die. FPA’s procedures are performed on babies who are nearly fully formed and can feel pain in the womb. It’s barbaric, inhuman, and deeply disturbing, and this facility needs to be shut down,” Rose said.
If you haven’t ever prayed outside an abortion clinic or supported one of the pro-life pregnancy centers, this story is your wakeup call.