CHICAGO (CNS) — Using the slogan “Don’t take a vacation from your faith this summer,” Chicago-based Catholic Extension has launched “Camp Catholic,” a virtual summer camp for all ages.
Registration information for #CampCatholic can be found at www.catholicextension.org/campcatholic. The virtual camp opened June 12 and will operate through Aug. 28.
“The virtual camp is designed to keep the faithful engaged during the lazy days of summer, when most of us are enjoying vacations, splashing in the pool and celebrating the kid in all of us,” said an announcement from Catholic Extension.
Participants will receive weekly email messages that feature a Gospel passage paired with interactive content including activities and “Catholic Questions” that can be shared with friends and family.
There will be Gospel reflections from seminarians who are supported by Catholic Extension as well as educational content offering catechesis and explanations behind Catholic teachings and traditions. Each week campers also can expect a “Weekly Challenge” encouraging them to share their faith with others and engage with Catholic Extension on social media.
Catholic Extension, a national fundraising organization that supports the work and ministries of U.S. mission dioceses. It funds church construction, religious education and seminary formation, campus and outreach ministries, evangelization and salaries for missionaries. It also works within the growing Latino population in the U.S.
Other Catholic summer resources
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