Crosier Fathers and Brothers
Crosiers share in the conventual form of religious life. Living together for God alone, they are vowed men who seek to combine contemplative routines with a shared apostolic life. Crosier charism centers on a commitment to live and work in community, to celebrate the prayer of the Church (both through the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours), and to serve the people of God in light of the Cross of Christ as a sign of hope and glory.
It was standing room only at St. Gregory Parish when a Crosier brother who’d been serving there for a year as a deacon was ordained to the priesthood May 26.
In only his second time to ordain a priest, Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares laid hands on Br. Alex Juguilon, OSC, ordaining him to the priesthood. As a religious, Fr. Alex promised obedience to not only his superior, but to the bishop in whatever diocese he may be serving in.
“It’s a wonderful privilege for a bishop to celebrate an ordination of a young man to the priesthood and truly what a joy, to be able to impart upon my brother Alex the gift of the priesthood, because not everyone is called to be an ordained minister,” Bishop Nevares told The Catholic Sun after the Mass. “So myself, the diocese and the Crosier family will be that much more enriched because of this new priest, Fr. Alex.”
Toward the end of the Mass, the newly ordained Fr. Alex offered his first blessing to the bishop and then to his parents.
“Mom and dad, God entrusted me to your care long ago and asked you to nourish my vocation,” Fr. Alex said, fighting back tears. “Thank you for the gift of love, thank you for the gift of life and for the many sacrifices you’ve made.”
EN ESPAÑOL: Cruzado ordenado como sacerdote

Fr. Alex’s mother, Felicitas, said she was grateful to God for allowing her to play a part in His plan. She remembers praying for her son when he had stopped practicing his faith.
“I always tell people if they’re having problems with their children, never stop praying,” she said. “Especially the prayer of a mother — I think God is partial to the prayer of a mother.”
Fr. Tom Enneking, OSC, prior provincial for Crosiers in the United States, said the ordination is sign of hope for the future.

“We’re delighted that he’s a member of our community for our sake, but also for the sake of the Church,” Fr. Enneking said. “He’s just going to be a very effective minister of the Gospel and reflecting the Gospel of Joy, as Pope Francis calls it.”
Lupe Ornelas, director of faith formation and Hispanic ministry at St. Gregory, said it’s a blessing for the parish to have Fr. Alex’s presence for the last year and for it to continue in his priestly assignment.
“I think it’s very special for him and for our community and to actually have had the celebration here of the Ordination means a lot to the community,” said Ornelas, who is also a member of the Companions of the Holy Cross, the Crosiers’ lay association. “He’s very given to the people, he’s very close to the people of God, so I think that that really has impacted our community.”

Jessica Arellano, a member of the Amigos Cruzados — a group of young adult Hispanics who worship at Crosier Village’s Priory Church of the Holy Cross on Saturday evenings, attended her first Ordination Mass that day.
“[Fr.] Alex has been taking care of the group ever since another brother that was in charge left to Minnesota, so he has been with us, guiding us,” said Arellano, who also attends Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish with her family. “We have gotten close to him. We really love him, and we just wanted to share this very special day with him becoming a priest.”
After the Ordination, Fr. Alex told The Catholic Sun he felt loved, blessed and overwhelmed.
“God is so good to put all these people in my life and to have them here to support me. I feel their love and I love them, too,” he said. “I couldn’t have scripted my life any better. … You can’t have too many blessings and abundant graces and I just feel so blessed today.”