The Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, (also known as “the Casa”) welcomes Fr. Page Polk, OFM, the new part-time minister for the Our Lady of the Angels Conventual Church and Franciscan Renewal Center. Fr. Page is a member of the Franciscan Province of St. John the Baptist, Cincinnati, OH, and will continue to serve on their Provincial Council.
He recently was part of an Inter-Provincial team of three friars asked by the seven U.S. Provincial Ministers to research the process for revitalizing and restructuring Franciscan life in the United States. He also leads Franciscan pilgrimages to the Holy Land.
Fr. Page will work in collaboration with Our Lady of the Angels leadership in the planning and execution of liturgical celebrations and will provide pastoral care to the community. He will also collaborate with the FRC staff responsible for the Adult and Children’s Catechesis programs and Faith Formation programs, as well as provide support for Sustainability and Endowment endeavors and pastoral care for the FRC staff.
Earlier this year, Fr. Page spent time at the Casa and found his experience to be very positive — both personally and ministerially. “What I understood about the Casa and its mission is that it is a place of acceptance, a place of spiritual growth, healing, transformation and giving back,” he says. “I asked the Lord, ‘What is next for me? What gifts do I have that can serve this mission?’”
Attracted to St. Francis’ care for the marginalized and his nonjudgmental outreach to all people, Fr. Page entered the Franciscan Order in 1980. He was ordained as a priest in 1986.
“People need to know they are loved, and they are good,” he says. “The Franciscan charism helps people believe the Gospels are true, and our work is to help them interpret that.”
Fr. Page was born and reared in Dallas, Texas, and has a background in education, psychology, guidance, and counseling. Before entering the Franciscan Order, he taught children with special educational needs.
He holds a B S. degree from East Texas State University and has advanced degrees from the University of Northern Colorado and East Texas State University. He also holds an M. Div degree from The Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, IL.
Fr. Page has served in parish ministry and as the Director of the Catholic Chaplain Corps for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. He also served as the Director of Vocations for the Franciscan Province of St. John the Baptist.