MINNEAPOLIS — Sean Halpain, immediate past state deputy for Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council, was elected to the Supreme Board of Directors for the 2 million-member group. He will serve three years.
The Supreme Directors are the governing body for the 137-year-old Catholic, fraternal, charitable, service organization. Halpain served as state deputy from 2016 to 2018. He previously served as state secretary, state treasurer, state advocate, state warden, state program director and as a district deputy.
Halpain, a parishioner at St. Timothy in Mesa, first joined the Knights in Wyoming in 1984 and served Monsignor Thomas F. O’Reilly Council 1563 in several positions. He is currently a member of his parish’s Fr. Marcel Salina Council 11536 and the St. Timothy Fourth Degree Assembly 3029.
“I was very excited and proud to be able to deliver his nomination speech to the delegates,” said current Arizona State Deputy Mario Vassallo. “The nomination and unanimous election as Supreme Director is a huge honor for Brother Sean and for the Arizona State Council. We wish Sean our fraternal best and know that he will serve the Order well in this position.”
Arizona ranks in the top 10 in charitable works among the Knights of Columbus.
— John Garcia, Arizona Knights of Columbus.