Christ in Our Neighborhood is a parish-based program consisting of small groups who gather in the home weekly to discuss and pray through the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. This coming Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. The question in the Christ in Our Neighborhood reflection about the Gospel asks us: After reflecting on these readings, in what way does the Blood Sacrifice of Christ deepen your understanding or celebration of the Eucharist? 

The readings from this Sunday’s feast of Corpus Christi focus first on the sacrificial offering of Moses who took the blood of the sacrificed young bulls and sprinkled it on the people, telling them it was the blood of the covenant between them and God. The sacrifice of animals was a crucial aspect of the Israelites’ worship of God.  

In the second reading, St. Paul reminds us that if the blood of sacrificed animals cleansed God’s people, how much more does the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ obtain for us eternal salvation.  

Knowing the Jesus poured out every drop of His Precious Blood to redeem us is overwhelming. And to know that He chose this — that in spite of His anxiety and the betrayal and abandonment by His friends, He willingly sacrificed Himself in an excruciatingly painful, humiliating way — it’s almost too much. How could anyone love us this profoundly?  

Yet Jesus proved it with His death and continues to offer us His Blood — the blood of the new covenant between man and God — at every single Mass.   

Invite someone you know back to church today through Christ in Our Neighborhood! Small groups gather in the home to discuss and pray over the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. Everything you need for your group is in the weekly newsletter.    

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