NOTE: Christ in Our Neighborhood is a parish-based program consisting of small groups that gather in the home weekly to discuss and pray through the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. 

This coming Sunday, we celebrate the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The question the Christ in Our Neighborhood reflection asks us is: In what way does the Eucharist on Sunday feed you and satisfy you? 

The Eucharist is food that truly satisfies the heart and the soul of those prepared and disposed to receive it.  

We know that the nutrients in ordinary food eventually get absorbed into our bloodstream. If you’ve ever been deficient in iron — anemic — you know how exhausting it is. You’re tired, you’re weak, you get sick easily. You might even feel short of breath or dizzy, all because you don’t have enough iron in your blood.  

So, it’s really wonderful to know that the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, are in a mystical sense, absorbed into our bloodstreams. When we have that love and mercy of Christ flowing in our veins, so to speak, we are healed, freed, empowered and strengthened. We find grace to face our fears and temptations.  

Yes, the Eucharist, source and summit of our faith, is Food that truly satisfies.  

Be sure to join us for our Saturday, August 17, Morning of Reflection! This free, half-day retreat is an opportunity to meet other Christ in Our Neighborhood participants from around the Diocese of Phoenix. With an exciting array of speakers, this morning packed with inspiration, fun and a free gift. You can sign up to attend here: Christ in Our Neighborhood Aug. 17 Retreat/Cristo en Nuestro Barrio retiro de 17 de agosto ( 

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