As a new school year begins, parishes around the Diocese of Phoenix are also welcoming religious education students plus those who might be interested in becoming Catholic.

In a video message directed to the millions of those who live within the diocese’s boundaries, Bishop John Dolan noted that the Catholic Church is the “biggest family on Earth” and issued an invitation:

“If you’re interested in becoming Catholic, or if you were baptized but never confirmed, I want to personally invite you to visit our website, That’s where you’ll find out what you need to know about OCIA, the process by which people are brought into the Catholic Church,” Bishop Dolan said.

Diane Saunders, director of the Office of Evangelization, Discipleship and Spirituality, said she’s excited about the faith journeys that will unfold as the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) commences at parishes throughout the Diocese of Phoenix. She just returned from attending the National Gathering on Christian Initiation Conference in Chicago. The event focused on OCIA and evangelization.

“We spent two days exploring our Church documents on evangelization through the lens of the OCIA process,” Saunders said. Since baptism stands at the center of all the processes of the OCIA, it helps strengthen the focus of the laity as fully evangelizing members of their parish communities, Saunders added.

“The OCIA process invites individual parish members as a whole to become more in touch with one’s inherent baptismal call and graces. Together as parishioners, as we reach out to invite others to the life-giving waters of baptism, we become an evangelizing community,” Saunders said.

Alyssa Yingling, coordinator of worship for the diocese, is responsible for all the OCIA liturgies and is the point of contact for OCIA parish leaders. Yingling said the OCIA involves an exploration of the Catholic faith and involves a progression of prayers and liturgy that bring participants into community.

“You will walk with others through the basics of the faith and learn about yourself and God’s love for you,” Yingling said. “The OCIA is a beautiful process of learning about and growing in faith through prayer, liturgy, reading Scripture and fellowship.”

OCIA participants “delve into Scripture in new ways culminating in their adoption into the family of God through baptism,” Yingling said.

As parishioners reach out to invite others to join the Catholic family, “our invitations not only grow our communities in strength and spirit, but we become agents of healing in fulfilling Jesus’ mission for the life of the world,” Saunders said.

“There is so much good news in these possibilities. We, like the Samaritan woman at the well, must run out and share it with everyone.”

Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic?

Information: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix (

For liturgical and worship resources, contact Alyssa Yingling at or 602-354-2112.

For questions about catechesis, contact Eneida Scoby at or 602-354-2031.

For questions about evangelization and sacramental life, contact Joyce Coronel at or 602-354-2025.