The U.S. Crosier Fathers and Brothers have elected Fr. Alex Juguilon, osc, as their new conventual prior for a four-year term. The election was held during the recent weeklong 2024 Conventual Priory Chapter in Onamia, Minn. The rite of installation is taking place today at Holy Cross Church in Onamia. Fr. Alex succeeds Fr. Tom Enneking, osc, who served as the major superior for the past 13 years. Also elected were subprior, Fr. Hubert Kavusa, osc, and councilors Fr. Stephan Bauer, osc, and Fr. Dave Donnay, osc.

The Crosier Fathers and Brothers are one of the Roman Catholic Church’s oldest religious orders and they are the only religious community whose national headquarters is located within the Diocese of Phoenix.

“To be asked to serve in this new leadership role is a privilege, and I am grateful for my confreres’ trust. I am both honored and humbled to receive their call. The opportunity to share in fraternal life, love, prayer and service for the Church is one of the main reasons I became a Crosier,” Fr. Alex said.

As national superior, Fr. Alex will oversee the conventual priory in the United States and represent the priory during international Crosier meetings. He will also be responsible for exercising creative leadership in the priory community and helping his fellow Crosiers live and work together in an atmosphere of love, friendship and unity. His responsibility extends to both the spiritual and temporal welfare of all members of the Crosier priory in Phoenix and Onamia.

Fr. Alex was born in Manila, Philippines, and raised in North Royalton, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. He joined the Crosiers as a novice in 2011 and made his first profession of vows in 2012. He was ordained to the priesthood by the Most Rev. Eduardo Nevares, auxiliary bishop for the Diocese of Phoenix, in 2018 at St. Gregory Catholic Church in Phoenix.

Fr. Alex currently assists at St. Gregory’s parish and school. He also works closely as a spiritual advisor for men in discernment at the Nazareth House in Phoenix and the men at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The Crosier Fathers and Brothers are consecrated men who provide ministry and service to many different groups, including seniors, those who suffer with Alzheimer’s and their families, the incarcerated, veterans, immigrants, and young people. They also offer healing, pastoral and sacramental ministries and assistance, pastoral leadership to parishes, spiritual direction and retreats and mission outreach.

For more information about the Crosiers, visit their website,, or contact the conventual priory office at 602-443-7100.

About the Crosiers:

The Crosiers, officially known as the Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross, were founded in 1210 in modern-day Belgium. For more than 800 years, the priests and brothers have lived a life of community, prayer and service under the rule of St. Augustine.

The Crosiers have two large, vibrant communities in the United States—one in Phoenix, and the other in Onamia, Minnesota. Members are involved in a wide range of ministries serving the Church and those in need, including parish assistance, retreat work, spiritual direction, elder care, immigrant services and jail ministry. There are more than 350 Crosiers today worldwide serving in the United States, Europe, Indonesia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Brazil and Rome.