This morning Bishop Dolan celebrated a special Mass with a two-fold significance at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix. August 22, which is the feast of the Queenship of Mary, also marks the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the Loreto Sisters of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Diocese of Phoenix.

The Loreto Sisters, who originally came from Navan, Ireland, are credited with founding Ss. Simon and Jude School (SSJ), which continues to form and educate more than 450 Pre-K through 8th grade students annually. Several religious sisters continue to live on the SSJ property, playing a pivotal role in the life and culture of the school community.

In 1954 the Loreto Sisters were invited to Arizona by Fr. Paul Smith, the founding pastor of Ss. Simon and Jude parish, who was seeking a group of religious sisters to establish a Catholic elementary school.

The Loreto Sisters, who offer their special charism of freedom, justice, sincerity, joy and truth, find their mission in immersing themselves in the entire life of the schools and parishes to which they are sent. Five courageous Loreto Sisters accepted the invitation and made their way to Arizona, arriving on August 22, 1954.

Through their “yes” the Lord has brought about a legacy that continues to have a generational impact, allowing children of various backgrounds and cultures to thrive in the rich educational atmosphere that is SSJ.

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