NOTE: Christ in Our Neighborhood is a parish-based program consisting of small groups that gather in the home weekly to discuss and pray through the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. Find out more at Christ in Our Neighborhood – The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix (

This coming Sunday, we celebrate the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The question the Christ in Our Neighborhood reflection asks us is:   When we know who we are then we know our purpose and mission. Do you know your mission?

Who are we, really?

Each human person is a unique and unrepeatable gift of God, made in His image and likeness.  And then something wonderful happens: Once we’re baptized, we become an adopted son or daughter of God, the Ruler of the Universe. Emmanuel. The Prince of Peace. The Great I AM.

Awesome, isn’t it? As a child of God, we are partakers in the divine nature, and heirs to the Kingdom of God Christ (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1265).

Knowing all that changes everything. It’s easy to fall into the perception that we are what we do, or we are the sum total of our past failures or successes. Nope. God says that through Baptism, we become His and are incorporated into the Body of Christ (CCC #1267).

As a child of God, our mission is to love and serve Him well in this life, using the gifts and talents He has given us, so as to be with Him forever one day in Heaven. Our mission is to love our neighbor as ourselves, to forgive our enemies and share the Good News, making disciples. The grace of the sacraments and the power of the Holy Spirit enable us to carry out that mission. Participating in a Christ in Our Neighborhood small group is one great way to share the saving message of God with others and deepen our faith.

Watch the video of the weekly podcast segment featuring Christ in Our Neighborhood with Bishop Dolan:

To sign up for our weekly Christ in Our Neighborhood newsletter that has everything you need for your next meeting, visit: