NOTE: Christ in Our Neighborhood is a parish-based program consisting of small groups that gather in the home weekly to discuss and pray through the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. Find out more at Christ in Our Neighborhood – The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix ( 

This coming Sunday, we celebrate the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The question the Christ in Our Neighborhood reflection asks us is:  As we consider the theme, “Who Am I?” it is best to answer this question with two other questions: Who am I in Jesus’ company? Who am I apart from Jesus? 

One thing is for sure: When I am in Jesus’ company, I have peace. And if I’m in His company and I don’t have peace, it’s time to ask why. Am I trusting that He has a plan for my good? That after having brought me thus far, He’s not about to drop me on my head?  

When we’re deeply rooted in the peace of Christ, there’s an unflappableness about us. We understand that He is in control and that there’s nothing impossible in Him. We understand that God has a plan to use our difficult circumstances to accomplish His purposes. In the middle of chaos, we can go into the interior room of our soul to confide in Him and rest in His presence. 

Apart from Jesus, we don’t have the strength to live the demands of the Gospel. Apart from Jesus, it’s tough to have patience and simply unimaginable to forgive those who have wounded us.  

With Christ living within us, we are empowered to do the impossible.  

Watch the video of the weekly podcast segment featuring Christ in Our Neighborhood with Bishop Dolan: 

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