The first-ever diocesan Creation Summit at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Phoenix on Jan. 25, drew more than 100 people. This interfaith event welcomed Catholics, Buddhists and other non-denominational groups from Prescott, Ariz., Tucson, Ariz., and locally from throughout the Valley. All joined together to discuss climate change, cultivate care for God’s creation and put a plan into action for improving the climate.
Bishop John Dolan began the event with opening remarks, explaining the purpose of the Creation Summit, which was not to put a band aid on planet-related issues, but to get to the root cause and work together for future improvement. “As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to make the earth a beautiful garden for the human family,” he shared, quoting Pope Francis. Bishop Dolan inspired the group, reminding them that we are all stewards of God’s creation and play an active role in living harmoniously with nature.
The morning continued with a panel of three speakers, each of whom discussed how climate change and care for the environment has a deep spiritual impact on human beings.
Patti Sills-Trausch, former director of the Faith in Action Ministry at the Fransiscan Renewal Center, brought attention to St. Francis of Assisi and his love for nature. She explained that when one goes outside and slows down, noticing everything in nature — the air, birds, water and rocks — all become our brothers and sisters. She also homed in on the Franciscan vision, which “holds us bound to the work of continuing to protect our brothers and sisters within nature.”
Participants were organized into small groups by table and after each speaker they took time to reflect silently, followed by an open discussion sharing ideas, personal stories and answering thought-provoking questions related to the topic.
Sarah Porter, director of the Kyl Center for Water Policy at Arizona State University, then spoke about water challenges being faced in Arizona, with an emphasis on ways citizens can make conscious choices to support water preservation. She highlighted that contrary to common belief, the growing Arizona population is not the biggest threat to water supply, but rather ways in which individuals choose to use water. For example, water used indoors is washed down pipes and can be reused, while water used outside absorbs into the ground and cannot be reused.
The second half of the day opened with a discussion led by Dr. Heather Okvat, a clinical psychologist in private practice. She spoke on the connection between nature and our mental health, stating, “Nature buffers life’s stress and negativity, and can be a place to escape daily pressures.” She invited participants to reconnect with nature for their own wellbeing by taking an immersive walk in nature, opening their eyes and paying close attention to the sights and sounds around them. Her advice for cushioning the mourning and loss that may be felt with climate change was to “volunteer within your community or neighborhood, plant a new tree and be mindful of nature around you.”
The day ended with students from the Brophy College Preparatory Student Climate Coalition leading participants in creating action plans to take back to their local communities and faith organizations. Each small group brainstormed by reflecting on what they love about their church, neighborhood or community, and discussed ways to bring improvement with respect to the environment.
The Creation Summit 2025 was the first of its kind for the diocese, with hopes that it will become an annual event.
Fr. Bob Fambrini, SJ, of St. Francis Xavier Parish stated that he was deeply impressed by how many people attended the event, especially with it being the first Creation Summit. He was also moved by the diversity among participants.
Fran Mick, from Sacred Heart Parish in Prescott, Ariz., shared her thoughts on the event. “I was blown away by the water topic and learned a lot about the importance of water regulation. I am also so excited the diocese could get this many people together for the event.”
The Creation Summit 2025 was sponsored by the Diocese of Phoenix, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Obodo Spark Community, Marisol Federal Credit Union and Citizens’ Climate Lobby.