NOTE: Christ in Our Neighborhood is a parish-based program consisting of small groups that gather in the home weekly to discuss and pray through the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. Find out more at Christ in Our Neighborhood – The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix (

This coming Sunday, we celebrate the Second Sunday of Lent. The question the Christ in Our Neighborhood Reflection asks us is: In what way have your eyes been opened to the grace of Christ who calls you from sleep?

This is a question that makes us ask ourselves: Have I been asleep? Have I been indifferent? Have I forgotten God?

As the commentary points out, Baptism awakens us to new life in Christ. Unfortunately, sin tends to make us turn in ourselves. We can become blind to the suffering around us and in a sense, be lulled to sleep by the comforts and concerns of this world.

Loving others as Christ has commanded us to helps wake us up to the reality of the people in our home and community as well as those who are often unseen: the poor, the vulnerable, the forgotten.

God is love, and when we are awakened to the reality of Love, we see with new eyes.

Who are the forgotten people in your world? How is God calling you to open your eyes to them?

If you haven’t joined a Christ in Our Neighborhood small group yet, perhaps you are being called to start one yourself. Check out our website today to find out more:

Watch the video of the weekly podcast segment featuring Christ in Our Neighborhood with Bishop Dolan by clicking HERE.

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