One at a time, Bishop John Dolan called out categories of marriage by length: Couples in their first year, their first five years, 25-40 years and 50 years or more. 

When he got to those wedded more than a half century, Jay and Mary Sue Krakora got up.
Together 55 years, the couple from Mesa, where they are parishioners of St. Timothy, had planned to celebrate their 50th anniversary at a similar event but it was cancelled by the COVID 19 pandemic. Marking their latest milestone during the Diocese of Phoenix’s Honoring Marriage Mass Sunday was the icing on the Krakoras’ cake, as they enjoyed their delayed celebration and were recognized with hundreds of other Catholic spouses. 

“It’s very special,” said Mary Sue afterward, her soft smile widening as she stood next to her husband.
“I can’t believe we’ve passed this moment,” added Jay. “I’ve been married 55 years to this lovely lady. It makes me so happy.” 

The celebration at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix was part of National Marriage Week and World Marriage Day, an annual observance dedicated to promoting healthy marriages and providing couples with resources and ideas for ways to strengthen their union. 

The event is championed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and other groups. “In today’s world, relationships are often viewed as disposable,” USCCB Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth Committee Chairman, Bishop Robert Barron stated Feb. 6. “The commitment to fidelity and love that marriage entails is a source of hope for all generations,” Bishop Barron continued, tying the sacrament to Pope Francis’ 2025 Jubilee Year theme, “Hope Does not Disappoint.” 

‘A lifelong journey’ 

In Sunday’s homily, Bishop Dolan reflected on the beauty and sacredness of marriage. “Husband and wife, by the covenant of marriage, are no longer two, but one flesh. And by their intimate union of persons and actions, they give mutual help and service to each other, experiencing the meaning of their unity and gain an ever-deepening understanding of it day by day,” he said. “Marriage is a lifelong journey of learning and forgiving, and — let’s be honest — compromising over what’s for dinner. It is in this daily living — both the joys and the struggles — that couples discover the depth of their unity.”

Marriage also is a witness of Christ’s love to the world, a love that Bishop Dolan said is limitless.

He called on the congregation in this Jubilee Year of Hope to embrace that virtue in the Sacrament of Marriage, which “testifies to the light of the mystery of love.” Christ “is that light,” the bishop said. “The bridegroom, who is wedded to us, not just when things are convenient but forever and ever. And if He can love us through our faults and failings, then surely, with His grace, we can do the same for each other.”

“To all married couples here today: May your love be strong, your patience endless and may you always remember the Golden Rule: Whoever apologizes first wins.” 

The bishop then asked couples to stand — first newlyweds or those in their first year, working up to the 25-year — Silver or Jubilee anniversary — and finishing with those joined for more than 50 years — their Golden anniversary. “Whoa, that’s nice!” the bishop exclaimed as three-four couples stood for the final category to hearty applause from the congregation. 

He asked all to remain standing and for spouses to face one another as he led them through a recitation of their promises to each other. “Will you continue to love each other, as man and wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward?” the bishop asked. 

The couples replied, “I do.” 

The bishop then asked, “Do you promise to be faithful to each other, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love and honor each other all the days of your lives?”
This time, the responses of “I do” drew a lighthearted “Good answer!” from the bishop and scattered laughter.  

‘Don’t give up’ 

At a reception afterward in the parish hall, couples marking 25, 40 and 50-plus years together received certificates of recognition from the bishop.

Eddie and Mary Navarro, parishioners of Holy Cross in Mesa had been here 10 years ago to mark their 40th anniversary before returning this year. They marked their Golden Anniversary Feb. 8.

Blessed with five children, two of whom are married, the Navarros met at a dance. Eddie asked Mary out onto the floor, and because he is shorter, wondered if she wouldn’t mind removing her shoes. She obliged, but when the couple returned, they found Mary’s shoes had been stolen. The conversation turned into lifelong relationship, one that Eddie, a retired aeronautics industry employee, said is built on a commitment to never go to bed if one of them is upset with the other. 

“Talk it out,” he said. “Don’t stay mad,” added his wife. “And don’t give up [on marriage].” 

Begun in the United Kingdom in 1996, World Marriage Day started in the U.S. in 2002. The USCCB calls the day and National Marriage Week an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with promoting marriage and the family. This year’s theme is “Marriage: Source of Hope, Spring of Renewal: Pursue a Lasting Love,” emphasizing Pope Francis’ theme for the 2025 Jubilee Year.

‘We’re not letting go’ 

Ss. Simon and Jude parishioner Stephen Combs, celebrating 19 years of marriage with his wife, Robynn, was gratified at the diocese’s celebration.  

“It’s important the Church continue to honor the sacrament,” he said, citing the value of raising children within the stable foundation of a loving marriage and preparing the next generation to do so. The Combs have five children, ranging in age from 18 to 4. 

“Marriage is really, really special,” he said. Spouses, living faithfully and sacrificially with one another allow each other to grow in holiness.

“Putting someone else first — that’s the main concept of marriage. That helps us grow most,” Stephen said.  

Ss. Simon and Jude Dcn. Doug Small, and wife, Barb, have built their 32-year marriage on communication, as well as sacrifice. 

Dcn. Small said while many hear the word “vocation” and think of religious life, it’s vital to see marriage as a calling, a vocation. “We serve the Lord through our marriages and family life,” he explained. “Christ loved the Church and sacrificed for it. He gave himself completely to the Church. It’s the same with marriage, a man and a woman give themselves completely to one another.” 

As Mary Sue reflected on her half-century with her husband, which began in the mid-1970s, she called it “kind of unbelievable.”  

Born and raised Catholic, the Krakoras moved to the Phoenix area from suburban Chicago over 30 years ago due to Jay’s job as an engineer. Through all the changes, and life’s highs and lows, one thing has remained constant, she said. Her and Jay’s faith in God and one another. 

“Knowing our marriage is a covenant not just a contract; that no matter what disagreements we may have, God’s the partner here, and we’re not letting go of His hand, so we’re not letting go of each other.”