More than 1,300 candidates and catechumens, those who will enter into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil, were personally welcomed by Bishop John Dolan this month as they enter the final stages of their preparation.  

The encounters took place at the diocesan Rite of Elections, an integral part of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) that is celebrated annually during the Lenten season. 

Over the past two years, due to the vastness of the Diocese of Phoenix, Bishop Dolan has celebrated the liturgy in multiple locations for the opportunity to personally welcome more of the individuals who are entering the Catholic Church.  

This year Bishop Dolan celebrated four Rite of Election liturgies spanning two Saturdays and two Sundays in March. They took place at St. Thomas Aquinas in Avondale, Ariz., Immaculate Conception in Cottonwood, Ariz., Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix and St. Mary in Kingman, Ariz. More than 3,000 people attended the liturgies.  

“These are the largest gatherings and the most participation by parishes we have had in well over a decade,” said Alyssa Yingling, manager of Liturgical Events and Formation for the Office of Worship, whose team planned the liturgies. 

Representatives from 67 parishes brought their OCIA groups to participate in the Rite of Election liturgies and met Bishop Dolan. Xavier College Preparatory has a group of students receiving OCIA through the school that also attended.  

The 1,300 plus candidates and catechumens will complete sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil on April 19. 

See Facebook photo gallery at Thomas Aquinas, Avondale  

See Facebook photo gallery at Immaculate Conception, Cottonwood

See Facebook photo gallery at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral, Phoenix

See Facebook photo gallery at St. Mary, Kingman