Help a neighbor, visit grandparents as part of Lent, pastor suggests

Sixth-graders got a Lenten sneak preview when their pastor visited class on Valentine's Day.

Marriage is beautiful

On Dec. 30, 2016, the Feast of the Holy Family, a revised Rite for Marriage began to be used throughout the English-speaking Church. It is called The Order of Celebrating Matrimony. Though much of the Rite remains the same, the changes serve to deepen the beauty of the symbolic expression of marriage, as well as to radiate the unchanging truth of marriage in our culture.

Catholic Charismatic Renewal marks 50th anniversary of founding this year

"Who would have ever imagined — 80 pages, Patti Gallagher — that what I would record in this notebook would have any significance to over 120 million Catholics all over the world?" Mansfield, now 70, said.

Ecumenism is everybody’s responsibility, say speakers at Christian Unity prayer service

Ecumenism is everybody’s responsibility. That was the message shared by two nationally-renown speakers at the annual Prayer for Christian Unity, held Jan. 23 this year at St. Mary’s Basilica.

At conference, bishop urges men to be forces for good at home, in the...

More than 1,300 men stood shoulder to shoulder Feb. 4 to examine and to improve upon the relationships in their lives as husbands, fathers, friends, leaders and witnesses for Christ.

Faith, love and flexibility: Longtime married couples share all three

"We've always had God at the top and we let him decide," added Yvette, 93.

‘The Sacred Art Gallery’ in Scottsdale points to heavenly realities

The sheer beauty beheld in statues, paintings and stained glass windows that decorate a church often captivate even non-Catholic church visitors. Now, viewing sacred art is open to the masses via a new gallery.

Pope Francis has a special message for the Super Bowl

HOUSTON (CNA/EWTN News) — As the Patriots and the Falcons gear up for Super Bowl LI, Pope Francis sent a message to both players and viewers, saying the game is an opportunity to show solidarity and build virtue.

The last shall almost be first in diocesan spelling bee

From a scriptural beginning to a nearly Gospel conclusion in the final rounds, another diocesan spelling bee is in the books.

Red Mass homilist calls on lawyers, lawmakers to evangelize

An attorney-turned-priest and canon lawyer whose archdiocese has been a petitioner in bankruptcy gave the homily reminding Massgoers, "You work in a field in which virtue can be contagious and can contribute to an environment in which we can draw others to Christ."