Life of recently declared U.S.-born martyr chronicled in book

It’s about German migrants braving the new world and the unknown, building families, communities, and Church, and leaving a legacy to inspire us all.

Obispos mencionan normas, patrimonio en mensaje de semana de migración

"Este año, estamos invitados a crear una cultura de encuentro donde los ciudadanos viejos y nuevos, junto a los inmigrantes recientes y de hace mucho tiempo, pueden compartir uno con el otro sus esperanzas de una vida mejor", dos cardenales dijeron en un comunicado.

Epiphany and blessing a home [VIDEO]

A Scottsdale pastor explains and demonstrates Epiphany and the Blessing of the Home.

Ohio Diocese opens sainthood cause for woman known for healing gifts

CANTON, Ohio (CNS) — In the fall when the Diocese of Youngstown formally opened the sainthood cause for an Ohio woman known for her life of prayer and spiritual gifts, more than 1,000 people filled St. Peter Church in Canton.

Pope to bishops: Defend children from abuse, protect their dignity, joy

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Stand up and protect children from exploitation, slaughter and abuse, which includes committing to a policy of “zero tolerance” of sexual abuse by clergy, Pope Francis told the world’s bishops.

Catholics in Congress: one-third of House, one-quarter of Senate

The religious makeup of the 115th Congress is significantly Christian — 91 percent — with four more Catholics than last term.

New Year calls for courage, hope; no more hatred, selfishness, pope says [VIDEO]

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Whether the new year will be good or not depends on us choosing to do good each day, Pope Francis said.

Burlington Diocese to celebrate Year of Creation in 2017

Scientists, activists and people of faith are assisting with the initiative and a forthcoming website will help Catholics in any diocese.

Catholics offer Christmas Eve Rosary at Glendale Planned Parenthood

GLENDALE — On one of the busiest shopping days of the year, when most people bustle about with last-minute Christmas preparations, about 250 Catholics gathered at a Glendale Planned Parenthood facility that performs abortions through 17 weeks and six days’ gestation.

Christmas: Not just for Christians in Lebanon [VIDEO]

In multicultural Lebanon, even Muslims appreciate the public Nativity scenes.