Franciscan Sisters at St. Peter’s Mission School to be honored ‘Guardians of Hope’ at...

BAPCHULE — Here in the windswept desert of the Gila Indian Reservation stands a beacon of hope: St. Peter’s Mission School.

Final resting place: Vatican releases instruction on burial, cremation

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Professing belief in the resurrection of the dead and affirming that the human body is an essential part of a person’s identity, the Catholic Church insists that the bodies of the deceased be treated with respect and laid to rest in a consecrated place.

Arizona Bishops speak out against Prop. 205, which would legalize recreational marijuana

As the countdown to Election Day continues, the Catholic bishops of Arizona have spoken clearly about one measure on the ballot they hope will go down in defeat: the legalization of recreational marijuana.

Nuncio at border Mass prays for an end to barriers that separate people

"Borders should not be just a barrier — should not be a wall — but should be a bridge between people," the nuncio said.

To accompany and to enlighten

Today I wish to consider the shepherding work of priests, who, in spiritual guidance and in confession, seek to help others to encounter the Amoris Laetitia, the “Joy of Love.” Earlier this year, Pope Francis, who has made Confession a constant theme of his pontificate, wrote in his recent book, “The Name of God is Mercy,” “It is important that I go to Confession, that I sit in front of a priest who embodies Jesus, that I kneel before Mother Church, called to dispense the mercy of Christ. There is objectivity in this gesture of genuflection before the priest; it becomes the vehicle through which grace reaches and heals me.”

Small-town parish boasts big-time numbers — and finally, a second priest

A parish serving the one-square-mile area that is the Town of Guadalupe is hosting its first priestly ordination today. Friar Villafan, via the OFM.FYI newsletter, gives us an insight into this tiny parish.

‘40 Days’of saving lives: ‘Respect Life Month’ focuses peaceful efforts statewide

Thousands of lives spared, 133 abortion workers who quit their jobs and 75 centers that closed their doors forever. The stunning success of the 40 Days for Life movement in the midst of a culture of death has pumped new energy into the movement dedicated to protecting human life from conception to natural death.

U.S. Bishops president: Political discourse that demeans women, religion ‘must change’ [VIDEO]

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Too much of the political discourse during this election year “has demeaned women and marginalized people of faith,” the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said Oct. 14.

Arizona Rosary Celebration to honor Our Lady of Mercy

Even though the Year of Mercy will end next month, organizers of the 41st annual Arizona Rosary Celebration wanted to remind the faithful that there is still time to commemorate the jubilee year.

Catholic health care workers challenged to serve with integrity

The preservation and protection of the Catholic health care worker’s conscience is a benefit to everyone, said San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone in his keynote address to Phoenix-area health care professionals following the annual White Mass.