Elderly, homebound Catholics maintain connection to Holy Mass through TV, thanks to CDA

Televised liturgies are a ministry of the Church that evangelizes by reaching people unable to be physically present in a worshiping community.

Pope Francis’ advice for Holy Week [VIDEO]

Pope Francis spoke about the importance of humility during his Palm Sunday homily at the Vatican March 29.

Imitate Jesus’ humility and service, pope says at Palm Sunday Mass

From modern-day martyrs to those who quietly care for the sick or elderly, Pope Francis remembered all those who "sacrifice themselves daily," following Jesus in serving others and giving witness to the Gospel.

President, first lady to welcome Pope Francis to White House Sept. 23

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will welcome Pope Francis to the White House Sept. 23.

Group tends to spiritual needs, shares the good news at spring training

The crack of the bat is a sure sign of spring, one that calls an attorney to the field with a set of hat and gear that helps players, coaches and trainers follow the laws of Christ.

Pope Francis erects Diocese of Nogales, Mexico, just south of U.S.

Pope Francis has erected a diocese in northern Mexico, located along the border of Arizona.

Native Texan follows call to desert

When this opportunity came up to become editor of The Catholic Sun, my family and I prayerfully discerned that this was where God was calling us. So like St. Joseph, who was called by God to take his family to the desert, we’ve been called to come to Arizona.

Blood of Naples’ patron liquefies during pope’s visit to cathedral

At the end of Pope Francis' spontaneity-filled meeting with priests, seminarians and religious in the cathedral of Naples, the vial of dried blood of the city's patron saint appeared to miraculously liquefy.

Bringing Down Syndrome awareness to the classroom [VIDEO]

On this World Down Syndrome Day, see how one school wholly embraced a student with the syndrome and how students at a Phoenix school are independently supporting their peers with Down Syndrome.

Baseball and prayer: A spring training story [VIDEO]

Baseball fever prompts some major league players at spring training to immerse themselves in their Catholic faith, with a little help from chaplains and a faith-based organization.