Vatican security always on high alert, chief says after IS threats

The head of Vatican security said Islamic State militants have threatened the Vatican, but there are no indications of any planned attack.

Bishop Olmsted’s homily for the first Sunday of Lent [VIDEO]

ICYMI: Here is Bishop Olmsted's homily from Feb. 22, the first Sunday of Lent.

Faithful pray for migrants, discuss their plight at ‘Mass for Migrants’

The first Friday of the 2015 Lenten season had local Catholics reflecting on death and its prevention for the countless immigrants longing for U.S. soil.

Catholics and Muslims must unite to battle extremism, hatred

Is it our Catholic duty to defend Muslims? The Catholic Church believes it is.

Phoenix priest in Rome named ‘Chaplain to His Holiness,’ monsignor

A Phoenix priest working for the charitable arm of the Holy Father and assisting with the Church’s humanitarian work around the globe, got the surprise of his life.

Homeless man of deep faith given funeral, burial in Vatican City

A homeless man who faithfully attended Mass at a church inside Vatican City for decades was buried in a Vatican cemetery after it was discovered he had died and was left unidentified in a hospital morgue.

Patriarchs’ Lenten messages focus on struggles of Mideast Christians

The Middle East is suffering a "Way of the Cross" that is the greatest tragedy since World War II, Melkite Catholic Patriarch Gregoire III Laham said in a Lenten message about suffering.

CDA revs up efforts to help needy, vulnerable

The CDA supports over 70 community and charitable organizations that assist individuals in need or in crisis. Some of the outreach includes shelters for abused women, assistance for the elderly and resources for the homeless.

Marino brings fresh vision, verve to Catholic Education Arizona

Donna Marino, the new president and CEO of Catholic Education Arizona, came upon her career leading non-profit organizations quite by grace.

Wake up the World: Q&A with Fr. Bradley Peterson, O.Carm

Fr. Bradley Peterson is a priest of the Carmelite Order, founded 800 years ago on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land. He came to Arizona as a teenager and has been pastor of St. Agnes Parish since 2009. The central Phoenix church is home to some 1,600 families.