Sainthood Now! Catholics rejoice in upcoming canonizations, recall encounters with future saints

When Pope Francis canonizes Blessed John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II this month, the eyes of the world will turn toward Rome. Some of them will fill with tears of joy.

Defining ‘Catholic’ — what’s it to you?

Chris Benguhe wants to know if what he writes about is “Catholic” enough. Make your voice heard in the comment box!

CATHOLICS MATTER: George Moore – Finding joy through prayer, serving the poor

Growing up in Michigan near St. Gabriel Parish, George Moore never had any doubts about his Catholic faith.

Pope Francis’ Game Plan; Part Five: Who Do You Say I Am?

It should come as no surprise that Pope Francis has much to say about Jesus, since Peter and all his successors have been called by God to make Christ known and loved.

Thousands to join Catholic Church at Easter

Kasandra Bujold is counting down the days until the waters of baptism wash over her. At Easter, she’ll also be confirmed and receive her First Holy Communion.

’Get right with God’: New website guides Catholics in making a ‘good’ confession

Jesus died for the sins of all humanity. Yet we still continue to sin. Enter

Holy Week: Church prepares for triumph of Easter

Holy Week is a practice of prayer, meditation, fasting and penance in preparation for the holiest day of the year — Easter. At least it should be.

Pope’s Via Crucis meditations: God is on side of abused, violated

The often silent plight of sexually abused children, victims of domestic violence, prisoners, the abandoned elderly, the unemployed and immigrants facing hostility will be given a powerful voice during the Stations of the Cross at Rome's Colosseum April 18.

Sacred oils blessed, priests renew vows at annual Chrism Mass [Updated]

Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted blessed the holy oils at the Chrism Mass April 14 that parishes throughout the Diocese of Phoenix will use to baptize and confirm people in the faith during the Easter Vigil and all year long.

USCCB releases resource guide on Girl Scouts for Catholic parishes

Responding to concerns about Catholic involvement with Girl Scouts, a U.S. bishops' committee released key points from its dialogue with Girl Scout leaders outlining major concerns of church leaders and the national organization's responses.