NEWS BRIEF: Basilica to host all-night adoration April 6
Bookended with opening and closing Masses, St. Mary’s Basilica in downtown Phoenix will be the site of an all-night eucharistic adoration event April 6-7. Bishop John Dolan of the Diocese of Phoenix will kick off “The Road to Emmaus: A Eucharistic Encounter” with Mass at 5 p.m. Saturday, April 6.
Brophy Prep establishes debt-forgiveness initiative targeting low-income Maricopa County residents
PHOENIX – We at Brophy College Preparatory are proud to have spent the past two weeks exploring the impact of debt on the dignity of people and communities through the keynotes, workshops, prayer service, and other events of our annual Summit on Human Dignity. Halfway through our two-week Summit, we were especially thrilled to learn of Gov. Hobbs’ partnership with RIP Medical Debt to use $30 million of COVID-19 relief funds to forgive $2 billion of medical debt for 1 million Arizonans.
Diocese welcomes new leaders to Pastoral Center
The Catholic Diocese of Phoenix welcomes two new directors to the Diocesan Pastoral Center in downtown Phoenix, as Mary Permoda has been named the director of mental health awareness in the Office of Mental Health Ministry and Diane Saunders has been appointed the director of evangelization, discipleship and spirituality.
Bishop Dolan “All In” for Our Lady of Joy’s new ministry
Hosted by "All In," a new parish ministry for people with special needs, Bishop John Dolan participated in a Easter Retreat at Our Lady...
NEWS BRIEF: Bishop Dolan celebrates Feast of St. Joseph
Bishop John Dolan began the Feast of St. Joseph on Tuesday as a speaker at the annual Hope in Motion Breakfast for Foundation for Senior Living (FSL). Held at the Arizona Biltmore Resort, he also led the 400-plus attendees in the opening prayer. The event raises money for FSL, who served nearly 42,000 Arizonans in 2023 and makes Arizona a safe place to age.
‘Washing of the Feet’ goes outdoors March 28
College students and visitors to downtown Phoenix will have the opportunity to have their feet washed outside St. Mary’s Basilica March 28. Among the many rich traditions of the Paschal Triduum, the washing of the feet at the Holy Thursday liturgy, which this year falls on March 28, can be particularly meaningful, demonstrating the humility and compassionate heart of Jesus Christ. Beyond the liturgy, the washing of the feet also has the capacity to inspire, particularly when it’s tied to serving those experiencing hardship.
NEWS BRIEF: Pro-life Arizonans unite their voices for the unborn
More than 3,000 gathered in downtown Phoenix on March 1 for the Arizona March for Life. Bishop Emeritus Thomas J. Olmsted opened the rally, held at Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza, and was joined by the Sisters of Life in praying the Rosary. Olivia Escobedo from the It Goes Too Far Campaign, reminded attendees of the importance of fighting the Arizona Abortion Access Act: “What we need to do is fight this, because the legislature, if this passes, will have no power to overturn it. We have to talk to every single voter.”
NEWS BRIEF: Three men take the next step toward the priesthood
Seminarians Michael Salemi, Max Rich and Ryan Wiensch were admitted into Candidacy on March 2 at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. This marks the next step on their journey toward ordination. Candidacy is the first, formal recognition by the Church that the seminarians are considered potential priests.
Podcast mega-star Fr. Mike Schmitz to speak at Phoenix fundraiser March 21
The host of the most popular Catholic podcast of all time is coming to Phoenix on March 21. Tickets are now available for the public event that will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Phoenix. Fr. Mike Schmitz, whose Bible in a Year podcast has been downloaded more than 350 million times, will be in Phoenix to speak at a fundraiser for the John Paul II Center for Theology of the Body. The Witness to Hope Celebration and Fundraiser is an annual event that supports the work of the Diocese of Phoenix’s center devoted to the late pope’s enduring legacy regarding the human person.
Bishop Dolan encourages stations during Lenten Journey
Be sure to take a look at this video of Bishop John Dolan leading the Stations of the Cross during the first Friday of...