U.S. Franciscans vote to form one new organization out of six provinces

CINCINNATI (CNS) — Franciscan friars in their order’s six U.S. provinces voted May 30 to form one new organization to reinvigorate Franciscan life in this country.

Second building for SVdP’s main campus reveals four-fold growth

The new 40,000-square-foot facility at St. Vincent de Paul’s main campus immediately allowed two program areas to grow and set dominoes in motion for two others to follow.

‘Beat the Heat’ ride benefits MANA House veterans

Cars and trucks are welcome too. The veterans won't care how you get there. They'll appreciate that you showed up.

State of the Campaign for May 2018

As a young priest, retirement always seemed like it would never happen — age 70 seemed like the distant future. I remember thinking, “How do you retire from being a priest? Do you retire from being a grandfather or a father?”

Regina Cleri to provide housing option for retired priests

After decades of service to the Church, priests “retire,” sort of.

‘Breakthrough Day’ as final founding member of Franciscan community in Laveen becomes deacon

LAVEEN — Br. Peter Teresa McConnell, FHS, the last of seven founding members of the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit, became a deacon this month in a ceremony that also marked the latest milestone for the steadily growing religious community filling the long unmet spiritual needs of Native Americans in the Diocese of Phoenix.

Arizona Catholic Conference 2018 Legislative Wrap-Up

On May 4, the Arizona Legislature adjourned sine die after spending 116 days in session. In total, more than 1,300 pieces of legislation were introduced with just over 300 of them set to become law.

Ordination season warms up

Six men serving the Diocese of Phoenix are taking formal steps toward priesthood in the coming weeks. Others with diocesan ties will be ordained into the same society of apostolic life.

First graduating class of Brophy’s Loyola Academy recognized at signing ceremony

The vision Brophy College Preparatory leaders and key community donors had for a vital middle school program are bearing its first concrete fruits. On May 19, they'll be the first in their families to be college-bound.

Anointing with holy oil: Consecration and promise, from Moses to Jesus

In the Catholic tradition, to be confirmed is to be chosen — chosen by God to be a sign of His presence in the world.