Bishop Olmsted responds to Supreme Court marriage decision

The U.S. Supreme Court had the chance to uphold the importance of marriage and its fundamental role in providing for our children and the future of the United States. By striking down part of the Defense of Marriage Act and failing to uphold California’s Proposition 8, the Court has succumbed to our culture’s radical efforts to redefine marriage and, in a very real sense, is now engaged in the ongoing battle against families, society and people of faith.

Our Faith: Priestly Celibacy: Learning the Catholic discipline

In what continues to be a paradox in an immoral society, celibacy in the Roman Catholic priesthood is not a doctrine of the Church, but a discipline.

Family, friends supported newly ordained priests

Fr. Kurt Perera knows his hands were made to do the Lord’s work. That’s how the moment he put his hands in the bishop’s became a key part of his priestly ordination.

Cristofer Pereyra: Radio host shares story of conversion, call to holiness

By the world’s standards, Cristofer Pereyra was doing well. He’d emigrated from Peru at age 15, graduated from college and landed a good job, working as a reporter at Channel 33, the Phoenix affiliate of Univision, the Spanish-language television network.

CDA seeks to reach $8.1 mil by month’s end

As the fiscal year comes to an end, the 2013 Charity and Development Appeal is working hard to hit its $8.1 million goal by June 30.

Kino Institute honors 75 graduates of two-year faith formation program

The Kino Institute recognized 75 Catholics with certificates during a special graduation Mass May 30 at St. Mary’s Basilica.

Two mark 25 years of priestly ministry

Fr. John Bonavitacola, pastor, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Tempe and Fr. John Coleman, pastor, St. Andrew the Apostle in Chandler are marking 25 years of priestly ministry. They took time to reflect on their service to the community.

One year away: Bishop ordains seminarians to diaconate prior to priesthood

Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted ordained two men as transitional deacons during the live televised Mass May 26 at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral. It’s the last formal step before priestly ordination, which God-willing, will be June 7, 2014 for Deacons Keith Kenney and Scott Sperry.

Vocations bloom at Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is celebrating a much larger than average blossoming of vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life. Fr. John Bonavitacola, pastor of the East Valley parish, said it’s all God’s work.

Local Church mourns loss of Hispanic leader, immigrant advocate

José Robles, director of Hispanic Ministry for the Diocese of Phoenix who championed the rights of immigrants, died May 26.