Pope: Satan tricks people into being selfish, leaving them loveless

Payback with Satan is rotten as he pushes people to be loveless and selfish, finally leaving them with nothing and alone, Pope Francis said. "Satan always rips us off, always!" he said during a morning Mass homily.

Sold-out Crozier Gala features ‘surprise’ grants

The Catholic Community Foundation’s signature fundraiser, the Crozier Gala, celebrated its silver anniversary April 20, but that didn’t mean the event was business as usual. Its board of directors did away with a formal “ask” two years ago and this year awarded “surprise” grants as a means of showcasing the good works the foundation does for local Catholic outreach.

Pope Francis raises hope among Eastern Catholics

Many Catholics are unaware of the various Eastern rite communities within the Church. Pope Francis would not be one of them. Bishop Gerald N. Dino of the Byzantine Holy Protection Eparchy of Phoenix said the election of Pope Francis bodes well for Eastern rite Catholics.

Gosnell found guilty of three counts of murder, pro-lifers say ‘House of Horrors’ not...

A Philadelphia jury May 13 found Kermit Gosnell guilty of murder in the deaths of three babies born alive during abortions and acquitted him of a fourth similar charge. He also was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death by a drug overdose of a patient who had an abortion.

There’s a new sorority at ASU — and it’s Catholic

TEMPE — The newest sorority at Arizona State University saw its first pledge class surrender themselves. These 23 young women didn’t submit to stereotypical stunts, however.

Deacon Ken Kulinowski: Polish-American deacon pens book defending Pius XII

Deacon Ken Kulinowski was born in Buffalo, N.Y., just 22 days after the Nazis invaded Poland. The grandson of Polish-speaking immigrants, Kulinowski attended a Polish national school.

Blessed Sacrament breaks ground for adoration chapel, church renovation

SCOTTSDALE — Parishioners of Blessed Sacrament, which turns 40 next summer, pulled together enough plans and finances in the last three to six months to move ahead with the latest building effort.

Pregnancy centers in the Valley win ‘Hope Award’ for adoption work

Two local pregnancy centers were recognized by the Texas-based Gladney Foundation for their work in promoting adoption.

St. Theresa school community grateful for longtime teacher

After teaching at St. Theresa Catholic School for the past 32 years, self-professed third-grade teacher extraordinaire Melissa Allen is permanently turning in her grade book.

St. Gerard Mass gives comfort, hope to infertile couples

Couples from throughout the diocese gathered for the first St. Gerard Mass of Comfort and Hope May 3 at St. Mary’s Basilica. The diocesan Office of Natural Family Planning hosted the liturgy for all those affected by infertility. It happened to coincide with National Infertility Awareness Week.