Relics: God working among His people
Fr. Carlos Martin, CC, has an unusual collection: 4,000 relics of the saints. The Companions of the Cross Father and former atheist, who lives in Toronto, travels throughout North America with his “Treasures of the Church” exhibit that features some 175 relics.
New director of Mount Claret Retreat Center focuses on future
Nestled at the foot of Camelback Mountain, the Mount Claret Retreat Center stands as oasis of sorts in the midst of a bustling city. Tom McGuire, the new director of the facility, is hoping more and more Catholics will seek God’s presence there.
Catholics with a Franciscan tie reflect on pope
Countless Catholics have approved and shared — via social and traditional networks — Pope Francis’ acts of humility in the five weeks since his election. Catholics devoted to the Franciscan way of life or are simply part of a mission or parish named after the well-known saint have felt an even deeper connection to the new pontiff.
Catholics Matter: Alex Vera: Catholic mother spent years serving diverse immigrants
Alex Vera grew up in St. Joseph, Mo., during the 1940s — a time when European immigrants arrived fleeing World War II. Although she was baptized Catholic by her mother, Vera was actually raised as a Methodist.
Catholics respond to Boston Marathon explosions
A Prescott teenager and a New York artist are among the countless Catholics who was moved to action after hearing about the explosions (with video courtesy of Sacred Heart Parish in Prescott).
St. Joseph the Worker expands outreach for homeless clients
The state’s unemployment rate has declined slightly in the last six months and it’s possible that staff at St. Joseph the Worker had a little something to do with it.
New life in Christ: Catholics fresh from baptismal waters reflect on journey into the...
He struggled with drugs as a 12-year-old. That led to other bad choices for Duane Dodds over the years. “Well, I’m going to hell for that one,” Dodds recalled saying throughout his youth.
CDA 2013: Evangelization through catechesis
The Profession of Faith is a central component of the Christian faith. It is both a communal and personal expression of Catholic core beliefs.
Awarded and honored
Local Catholic groups and students have been earning awards for a job well done in recent weeks. Take a look.
Local parishes hosting sacred relics
Ten local parishes are taking turns hosting an exposition of sacred relics starting April 7. Catholics will find more than 150 relics on display, some believed to be as old as 2,000 years.