Good Friday rosary brings hope for pro-life movement

The 40 Days for Life’s spring campaign, which formally drew to a close on Good Friday, brought news of hope for the pro-life movement in Arizona.

Auxiliary Bishop Nevares celebrates Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving for Pope Francis

Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares, accompanied by numerous priests and deacons, processed through the plaza in front of the downtown Diocesan Pastoral Center March 15 surrounded by clouds of billowing incense, en route to the Solemn Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving for Pope Francis.

Private school tuition assistance available from state of Arizona

Recently a new type of scholarship has been developed by the Arizona Department of Education that allows students currently attending “failing” (“D” or “F”) public district or charter schools to transfer to private schools and receive funding to pay for tuition.

Community mourns loss of 100-year-old priest

Fr. Stephen John Adrian, whose gift of teaching in parables captured the hearts of both the young and old, died at home, March 17. He was 100.

Domino’s Pizza founder discusses role of faith at work

Thomas Monaghan, well-known for founding Domino’s Pizza and a former owner of the Detroit Tigers, bases his time around prayer — especially while at work. Beyond that, it’s as simple as following the Golden Rule.

Getting to know this year’s CDA co-chairs

Lightening struck twice for the Charity and Development Appeal co-chairs, Matthew and Cynthia Scheller, who not only welcome a second term, but count it as a blessing.

Arizona Right to Life hires interim leadership

The state’s oldest pro-life outreach has a new face overseeing day-to-day operations. Mary Peterson accepted the role of interim executive director for Arizona Right...

University of Mary celebrates Arizona’s first graduating class

Seventeen faculty and staff serving at 11 local Catholic elementary and high schools became the first graduating class from the University of Mary's Tempe campus. Bishops and priests from both dioceses gathered for a Baccalaureate Mass and celebration.

Got Baby? ‘Tot Tank’ inspires drivers

You might have seen him on the road. Fr. Don Kline, pastor of St. Joan of Arc Parish, recently had his car wrapped in a colorful display of baby pictures. The vehicle, dubbed the “Tot Tank,” also advertises, a website he and his brother created.

Women’s Conference speakers show importance of walking in faith

More than 600 Catholic women from across the diocese drove, carpooled or chartered a bus to get to the daylong diocesan Women's Conference March 16 at St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish.