Fortnight for Freedom June 21-July 4

On April 12, the Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a document, "Our First, Most...

Schools display case: May accomplishments

School ends for most Catholic campuses in the diocese this week. That hasn’t stopped many students from continuing to grow in the faith nor...

Local catechists celebrate ministry milestones

Six of the  146 local confirmation and First Communion Masses scheduled this spring will get underway this week. Overall, more than 25,000 children participated...

Gov. Brewer signs religious liberty bill; HB 2625 becomes law

Gov. Jan Brewer signed legislation May 11 that allows religiously affiliated employers to opt out of coverage for contraceptives and abortifacients. The issue has...

Three Phoenix seminarians graduate from Josephinum

Three Phoenix seminarians studying for the priesthood earned bachelor degrees May 12 from the Pontifical College Josephinum. It marked completion of the first phase...

Fifth-graders fill Gift Ark for struggling families worldwide

GLENDALE — It’s one thing to know the story of Noah’s Ark and the pairs of animals inside. It’s entirely another to buy such...

TRAVEL ESSAY: Mexico: Beauty through faith amid violence

The origins of the Mesoamerican feathered snake god aren’t certain, but the Aztecs believed he came down from heaven twice a year to bring...

Catholic Community Foundation honors Harper, Garagiola

The Catholic Community Foundation honored Sharon Harper, president and CEO of Plaza Companies, as well as former major league baseball player Joe Garagiola April...

Xavier’s Young Vincentians revamp Phoenix home

They’re probably years away from owning a home, but 15 teenagers know firsthand the sacrifice required to maintain one. There’s sanding, painting, deep cleaning, moving...

Local families adopt special-needs kids from abroad

Heidi Czerkes has given birth to three sons, but with each pregnancy, complications arose. When she and her husband Mike, an obstetrician-gynecologist, wanted to...