Profiles in Mission: Teresa Morris
These students are not the future of the Church, they ARE the Church. This school is providing the opportunity to let them know they have a place in the Church and can make decisions that support and promote the mission of the Church.
St. John Paul II Catholic High School provides for spiritual, academic growth in far...
Some 37 percent of students came from public schools with at least one having never gone to a private school. And he has never looked back.
46 years after ‘Roe,’ Jesus continually offers hope, says bishop at annual Mass for...
Just as Jesus transformed the water into wine at Cana, Jesus can transform our ministry, refill us and give us new hope despite the challenges we face in the pro-life movement, said Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted.
State of the Campaign for January 2019
One of the more visible signs of the campaign's fruit is a new high school, which is now in its second semester. Groundbreaking for the campus was two years ago this month.
Dcn. Richard Eckert (1932-2019)
He served the bulk of his diaconal ministry at St. Margaret Mary in Bullhead City.
Dcn. Gilbert Lopez (1941-2019)
Dcn. Lopez spent his entire diaconate at Our Lady of the Lake serving alongside three classmates.
Students’ commitment to service manifested at St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul serves as one of the "primary co-educators of our students and allow our students real opportunities to put their faith into action, and into context,” said Will Rutt, director of Ignatian Service, calling SVdP’s partnership invaluable.
Families find inspiration in bishop’s exhortation to holiness, strong marriage
In his new apostolic exhortation, “Complete My Joy,” Bishop Olmsted hoped to reach all husbands and wives and mothers and fathers throughout the Diocese of Phoenix, calling them to lead their families to holiness.
‘Complete My Joy’ — In major new document, Bishop Olmsted urges fathers, mothers to...
Fathers and mothers have the ability and responsibility to lead their families to holiness, wrote Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted in an apostolic exhortation published Dec. 30.
Seasonal and year-round Sedona faithful support campaign to strengthen parish, diocese
Parish demographics are made up of 30 percent visitors and a large number of parishioners whose second home is in Sedona.