Anonymous donor serves as driving force behind sisters’ new wheels

Christmas came a bit early for the Missionaries of Charity who serve in the Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico, which has half of its territory in Arizona. And it wasn’t just a stocking-stuffer either.

Couples encouraged in ‘peculiar’ vocation at NFP Day of Renewal

With the backdrop of a culture widely in sexual ruins, dozens of faithful married couples chose to spend their Saturday afternoon at the Diocesan Pastoral Center Dec. 1 for an NFP Day of Renewal.

Community celebrates love for Our Lady of Guadalupe

A colorful, artistic and quite musical celebration honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the diocese, sandwiched an outdoor Mass that nodded to Mary’s title born in Mexico nearly 500 years ago and her title mirroring the day’s notable feast, that of the Immaculate Conception.

New Deacon formation cohort announced

Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted endorsed the establishment of a new diaconal formation cohort.

Maryvale parish forms schola cantorum for all ages

The singers are, by and large, those whose only prior singing experience is from the pew, but it's free and open to all.

Priest professes first vows as diocesan hermit

In the tradition of the great Desert Fathers of antiquity, Fr. Eugene Florea was consecrated and professed temporary vows (first vows) as a hermit in the Diocese of Phoenix.

Jesuit provinces release names of priests with credible abuse claims, including some with Brophy...

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The leaders of two U.S. provinces of the Society of Jesus released the names of more than 150 clergy with credible sexual abuse claims against them dating to the 1950s.

Diocese of Phoenix honors, offers prayers for public-safety personnel during annual Blue Mass

Donning their finest uniforms, a heavy presence of law enforcement personnel and first responders gathered at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral Nov. 30.

Governor honors André House duo with Volunteer Service Award

The couple knew how to make serving at André House "fun, relaxing and filled with the energy of hope.”

Finding the heart of Jesus this Advent

The liturgical life of the Church is literally the heart-beat and pulse of the faith in motion. To appreciate the richness of the Catholic faith, one must only look to the sacramental life of the Church.