Vatican invites director of University of Mary’s Rome campus to read at Pope Francis’...

Thomas Schulzetenberg comes from great German heritage and is a native Minnesotan, but has a masterful understanding of the English language and especially the Catholic faith.

Pope asks prisoners to pray that Christ make him a better servant

He greeted, hugged, clasped hands with and kissed the scores of inmates outside lining the barricade. Many held plastic rosaries out to be blessed; others wanted just to stroke his hand or ask him to pray for someone in a picture they showed him.

Bishops call for ‘mutual respect’ in ‘necessary dialogue’ on RFRA

Indiana's Catholic bishops April 1 urged people to show mutual respect for one another and allow "the necessary dialogue" to take place to make sure no one in the state will face discrimination, "whether it is for their sexual orientation or for living their religious beliefs."

Pope to priests: Exhaustion is part of ministry; find renewal in Christ

Priestly ministry is hard, sometimes lonely or dangerous work serving the neediest with an open, vulnerable heart, Pope Francis told the world's priests. But priests need to learn how to draw strength from their flock and their love for God.

Pope says a ‘good Easter’ requires making Jesus’ passion one’s own

Christians must "enter into the mystery" of the Easter Triduum and make Jesus' feelings and attitudes their own, Pope Francis said.

Varied paths bring thousands into Catholic Church at Easter Vigil

Who was Jesus? Why do we need a pope? How were we made by God? All of these are good questions that anyone considering becoming Catholic might ask. But the questions are even more poignant when they come from a young man who grew up where one who believes in God is a sign of weakness.

Oils consecrated at chrism Mass central to church’s sacraments, rituals

From Jerusalem to Rome to parishes around the world, the pope and local bishops will soon carry out the annual custom of preparing and distributing to churches the holy oils.

Imitate Jesus’ humility and service, pope says at Palm Sunday Mass

From modern-day martyrs to those who quietly care for the sick or elderly, Pope Francis remembered all those who "sacrifice themselves daily," following Jesus in serving others and giving witness to the Gospel.

During shroud display, Turin reaches out to women who have aborted

The public display of the Shroud of Turin aims to promote conversion and healing, especially post-abortive healing.

Papal ecology: Protecting all God’s creatures, respecting God’s plan

For Pope Francis, safeguarding creation by protecting plants and animals, or by ensuring the air, water and land will support human life for generations to come is only part of the task.