CRS manages ‘safe and dignified’ burials of Sierra Leone Ebola victims

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (CNS) — The agency will ensure that graves are marked so that families know where their loved ones are buried and that there is "one body in one grave," a church official said, noting that in the current crisis "this is not always the case." "We need to create ways for people to visit the graves of their loved ones and still be safe," CRS' Michael Stulman explained, noting that currently no funeral services are held in Sierra Leone and visits to cemeteries are not allowed.

Pope: Evolution, Big Bang do not push aside God, who set it in motion

The Big Bang theory and evolution do not eliminate the existence of God, who remains the one who set all of creation into motion, Pope Francis told his own science academy.

Pope says official exorcists show Church’s love for the suffering

Exorcists, assigned to that ministry by their bishops, demonstrate the love and care of the church for "those who suffer because of the work of the devil," Pope Francis said in a message to the International Association of Exorcists.

Salvadoran youths find music provides path to escape cycle of violence

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (CNS) — Music and participation in a symphony orchestra are giving 240 students the chance to steer clear of violence that plagues their country. Its members come from poor families and public schools marked by gang feuds.

Cardinal Pell calls for ‘no doctrinal back-flips’ at next family synod

Looking ahead to the October 2015 world Synod of Bishops on the family, Cardinal George Pell said the task for Catholics "over the next 12 months" is to explain "the necessity of conversion, the nature of the Mass," and "the purity of heart the Scriptures require of us to receive holy Communion."

R U texting in church? Put the phone down!

Entire families navigate their smartphones while sharing meals at restaurants. Students text in class. Parents take phone calls at their children's sporting events and plays. It's no surprise that cellphones affect even church.

Priest says taking ‘selfies,’ posting them a way to connect to students

"Some people think that if we're having fun, we're sinning. That's not the case. It's fun to be Catholic," Fr. Jason Blahnik explained prior to priesthood Sunday, which is celebrated nationwide Oct. 26. "There's a joy to it, living and loving people. It's a great life.

‘Without God, you can do nothing,’ says Scottish singer Susan Boyle

If you think singing in front of Simon Cowell would be terrifying -- well, you're not far wrong.

Historic U.S. pilgrimage with Black Madonna ends at Phoenix’s Polish parish

The worldwide pilgrimage of the traditional Christian icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, also known as the Black Madonna, is ending its U.S. pilgrimage in the Diocese of Phoenix. Local Catholics have opportunities daily through Nov. 1 to venerate it.

Couple trusts in God throughout cancer diagnosis, high-risk pregnancy

Keith and Donielle Wilde know what it means to live this every day: "Jesus, I trust in you." Despite some medical complications, Donielle "is doing very well" — and the baby is developing normally.