Cardinal backs St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee as gay ban is lifted

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York said he continues to support the city's St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee after it lifted a ban prohibiting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender groups from marching openly in the annual event.

Ice bucket challenge brings attention to pro-life research center

In a roundabout way more Catholics are beginning to take notice of a Catholic, pro-life medical research center. The institute focuses on developing core technologies that all diseases need, and doing this within a pro-life value system.

Wartime pontiff started tradition of papal peacemaking

Among the various World War I-related anniversaries of this centennial year, the election of Pope Benedict XV, 100 years ago Sept. 3, is apt to be one of the less widely observed. Yet Pope Benedict left a legacy of lasting significance for the papacy and the church as a whole in the vital area of teaching and practice on war and peace.

Debating just-war theory in light of Islamic State and past Iraqi wars

In the days that followed Pope Francis' Aug. 18 remarks on U.S. airstrikes earlier in the month against Islamic State, the buzz was about whether the pope had actually given his consent to them.

Little League player says team has ‘a lot to be thankful for’

Although Philadelphia's Taney Dragons didn't walk away with the Little League World Series title, they captured the country's attention by making it to the quarterfinals and have been honored as heroes in their home city.

Immigrants, activists urge Obama to act on immigration reform

Hundreds of protesters took part in a rally and march in Washington Aug. 28 chanting: "Not one more! Not one more!" to urge President Barack Obama to stop the deportation of immigrant families, workers and children.

Chinese priests, nuns spend years in U.S. to prepare for leadership

Chinese priests and nuns assembled halfway around the globe at a retreat house in the United States for a week of quiet prayer and reflection. The gathering was affiliated with a project of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers aimed at helping the Church in China grow by guiding their priests and religious through formation in U.S.

A Nun’s Life Ministry continues nationwide tour

Catholics and all other ears eager to hear more about life as a vowed woman religious should tune in to the next episode of Motherhouse Road Trip. The series is part of A Nun’s Life Ministry, which combines technology, social media and vocations outreach in conversational and pastoral ways.

Catholic schools determine how to take part in ALS fundraising effort

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, a major fundraising effort that began this summer to raise money to research a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's disease, has left many people scratching their heads.

Pope: Being envious, mean-spirited may be human, but it’s not Christian

Envy, jealousy and meanness are human instincts, but they are not Christian, Pope Francis said at his weekly general audience Aug. 27. The refusal to gossip, in fact, is such an outstanding Christian virtue, it should make a person a saint overnight, the pope said.